
When black people weren’t allowed at the table we have always created our own from inventions, neighborhoods and even colleges. Historically Black College Universities or HBCU play a vital role in the advancement of the African American community, HBCUs created more doctors, lawyers, and educators than most of our counterparts. Howard being veered as the oldest and one of the most prestigious HBCU have produced some amazing people that have shaped our world today, however Texas Southern University located in the heart of Houston, TX in the historically 3rd Ward community is the second largest HBCU in the nation, has one of the best law schools, and has seen its fair share of history making moments from hosting the Democratic Debate in 2019, being in the forefront of legal battles for the education of black people, and continuing to fight for those that can’t fight for themselves. We spoke to three leading tigers about why HBCUs are important to them

Adonis Warren, 2019-2020 Mr. Texas Southern University, a Senior majoring in Broadcast Journalism transplanted from Los Angeles, CA.

Toria Nicole Porter a Senior from Ft. Worth, TX she’s an Education major.

Lastly, Khaniya Burley the 73rd elect SGA President of Texas Southern University she’s a native from Buffalo, NY transplanted by way of Dallas, TX a junior majoring in Biology had a vision of attending a HBCU and keeping their legacy alive.

What does HBCU mean to you? 

HBCU means to me the reflection of the positive outcome our African American ancestors fought for. Freedom, and most importantly the opportunity to receive higher education in the United States as a black student. 

Why are HBCUs important?

HBCUs are important because they resemble as an opportunity for those who are seen as a statistic and not expected to continue to higher education. HBCUs are important because it is a living example that you don’t have to be a product of your environment, nor the image the world depicts you to be as an African American male or female. HBCUs are important because it meets the needs of those in low poverty areas, in other words, it gives everyone a chance to receive their higher education no matter their race or demographics. In conclusion, HBCUS are important because they are institutions that embody African American history and the endless successful outcomes in which it continues to create. 

How do you feel when ppl only speak about the trinity of HBCU (Howard, Spelman & Moorehouse) 

It is a gratifying feeling when people only speak about the trinity of HBCUs, like Howard, Spelman and Morehouse. Furthermore, those historical black colleges were the passageway for the other hundred HBCUs created because of the start of their establishment. Those who were courageous and determined to open these HBCUs provided opportunity to create more , including my HBCU, TXSU. Therefore, if one HBCU is being talked about predominantly then it will bring awareness to the others.

What does being a Queen mean to you?

Being a Queen to me means being selfless, and determined to build, inspire, and motivate other Kings and Queens to reach their full potential as a person. Whether its continuing to higher education, creating their own business, or expressing the importance of blessing others who aren’t as blessed as them. 

Who is Toria Nicole Porter?

Toria Nicole Porter is a selfless individual who is very community oriented. Her main focus is to inspire and mentor those younger than her. Toria Nicole Porter is a charismatic, God Fearing woman who believes that “God blesses us to be a blessing to others.” Her future goals are to become a teacher, then a principal, and a counselor to those in low poverty areas.

This feature was submitted by Ryan Barker

Ryan Barker a senior majoring in Radio/Television/Film from Texas Southern University. Ryan has been in the entertainment industry for a few years he’s also a game celebrity stylist & boutique owner from Houston, TX.