

Introducing the most relevant Superhero of our time! Valerie David, a strong and inspiring woman who is also known as The Pink Hulk! 

Valerie David is a brilliant artist, a very successful actress, and an incredible writer. But her most significant achievement in life is that she is a three-time cancer survivor based in New York City. In 1999, Valerie was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Stage III Cancer. She recovered after continuous treatments, but cancer did not leave her alone! In 2015, Valerie was diagnosed with breast cancer, which relapsed again in September 2018 as Stage IV metastatic cancer. She underwent several treatments and came out like a warrior! As of now, she’s thriving, but her medical visits have not stopped.

It has been almost 25 years since her first diagnosis—Valerie understands that her relationship with her health will always be at the forefront of her journey.

“I have to get checkups every six weeks for the rest of my life, and I’m on medication for the rest of my life, but that’s okay because I’m alive!”

Valerie started her play, The Pink Hulk: One Woman’s Journey to Find the Superhero Within, in 2016. This play showcases Valerie’s personal story of overcoming cancer and empowering others to face adversity with courage. Her story has kept the viewers hooked and has turned this show into an award-winning play.

“I turned my adversity into art with The Pink Hulk that motivates audiences, uplifting them with my personal story of battling cancer and living life on your own terms.”

“The Pink Hulk is a show that makes you stop and think. It is in no way self-pitying or maudlin—quite the reverse. There are wry smiles and belly laughs, and it is all totally relatable.” -LouReviews, London Theatre

Valerie David has also been working as a fundraiser. In addition to this, she is also raising awareness for international and domestic organizations that work to cure cancer. The tool that she has been using to do these two things is theatre! With her unwavering determination, Valerie’s goal is to provide audiences with hope and humor, even in the darkest times.

“Watching Valerie David perform The Pink Hulk: One Woman’s Journey to Find the Superhero Within is something so rare and so marvelous; it is the most powerful and poignant [time] I have ever spent at a theater.” – Kristen Morale, Broadway World

After performances, Valerie has talkbacks where she asks people from the audience to share their stories and ask questions. Her audiences inspire her and validate the impact The Pink Hulk has on those who have had cancer, are currently diagnosed, or know someone battling this disease.

“The biggest reward of doing The Pink Hulk is not just performing; it’s what happens beyond the play.”

Besides ‘The Pink Hulk,’ Valerie also does another famous show, ‘Baggage From Baghdad: Becoming My Father’s Daughter.’ Her mission through this show is to raise knowledge of The Farhud, an essential part of history that has largely been forgotten. The Farhud program left a permanent mark on Middle Eastern culture and the Jews of Baghdad. Its main themes highlight the world’s challenges and the rise in bias against minorities, different faiths, and sexual orientations.

“The play is a love letter to my father. I get my strength and courage from him, knowing what his family endured, having to flee Baghdad during The Farhud. How could I not survive based on what happened to them?”

Last year, a night before the Baggage From Baghdad performance, Valerie lost her father. He was her Superhero, and she was heartbroken by his passing. She knew that he would never get to see the show, but Valerie knew she had to persevere.

“The day my dad passed away, my mother said, “Valerie, your dad is gone, and you’re doing your show tomorrow—you have to do it.” I know that he would have come down like a bolt of lightning if I didn’t perform!—it was the hardest thing I ever had to do.”

While on a Baggage From Baghdad tour in Sweden last fall, Valerie found it painful even to rehearse the show.

“I was set to perform in the Stockholm Fringe Festival, and I could not get through rehearsing the show without tears. I said, “I’m going to fly home; I’m done. I can’t do this.” And then, two of my best friends encouraged me not to give up and told me, “You’ve got this; use your grief to light up the story.”

Valerie took their advice. As a result, she took home The Best Spoken Word & Theatre Award.

“That was an award for my father. That was an award for my mother. That was an award for my family. No matter how fearful it is, you have to take that chance. You can’t walk away. You’ve got to do it.”

Valerie and her single plays have been highlighted in different publications, radio channels, and television. In addition to this, they have also been featured on podcasts, including Tamara L. Hunter’s Service Hero Show, The Jim Masters Show! Live, First Online with Fran., Breast Friends Cancer Support Radio Network, The IndyStar, Heal Magazine, amNY, FOX, CBS, NBC 4 New York, etc.

“I’m happy and comfortable in my skin. We need that self-worth to pursue our dreams. Even if you stumble and fall and fail, at least you tried. Each of us has our own unique story to tell, and we need to tell it!”

With her love of musical theater, Valerie is now returning to her singing roots. She is currently writing a new cabaret while still touring her shows—heading to the West Coast to perform The Pink Hulk for October Breast Awareness Month. Along with this, she is also planning performances for Baggage From Baghdad.

To reach Valerie and find out more:

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Pink Hulk Promo Trailer

Baggage From BaghDAD Teaser



Photo Credit: Emily Hewitt