
Torica is “A Whole Mood”… literally. Whether she’s singing or songwriting, Torica boasts exceptional musical talents, with the ability to turn any situation into a song. Beyond that, it’s her undeniable beauty and out-of-this-world personality that fans can’t help but fall in love with the most. 

In describing herself, Torica states she’s “a lot of things. Torica is an entrepreneur. Torica is a MILF. Torica is a champion for women. Torica is a life experience, R&B artist. I make music that people can live with, learn from and grow with, and heal with.”

Hailing from Columbia, South Carolina, but now calling Atlanta home, Torica is the true definition of a music-lover. From singing in church at a young age to winning local talent shows, Torica experienced a true viral moment with the release of Field Mob’s “Sick Of Being Lonely.” Torica’s standout vocals on the hook allowed her to travel the world and even appear on national television multiple times.  

Most recently, Torica unveiled her newest single titled “A Whole Mood,” an anthem for those who recently decided that they’ve had enough in a relationship, shifting that focus to themselves. The song also holds fans over until the release of her forthcoming EP of the same name.

Sheen spoke with Torica in downtown Los Angeles, who was rocking an iridescent corset top and ruffled jean shorts. Read below as we discuss her name, “ A whole Mood,” her forthcoming EP, studio essentials, beauty go-to’s, and more!


What’s the inspiration behind your name?

My brother named me when he was in kindergarten, there was a girl named Torica that he was infatuated with. My brother is 7 years older than me. When he was 7 years old, my parents let him choose my name. My mom said, “What would you like for your sister’s name to be?” He said “Torica.” They’re like, we like that. So it stuck. [laughs]

What inspired “A Whole Mood”?

“A Whole Mood” is basically what it says, because I’m a whole mood. The song is really embodying the message that sometimes you lose yourself in a relationship, and someone else’s energy or mood can shift your mood. Sometimes as women, we become so attached to the person we’re with that we start acting like them, doing things they’re doing. 

We become associated with just them. We no longer have our own identity. “Oh, that’s such-and-such girlfriend, or such-and-such wife or fiance. It’s really about a woman who decided I want to reclaim my mood. I want to take my energy back. Unfortunately, you can’t come with me, so we’re breaking up. I’m letting you know that I’m back to being a whole mood, and you can do whatever you want to do. That’s basically what the song’s about.

What can we expect from the EP that’s coming out?

That’s also titled A Whole Mood, it’s some bangers on there. You’re going to be able to play that all the way through. You can clean your house to it. You can drop your top, you can roll your windows down. If you got a hoopty and you gotta roll it manually, wherever you are. If you’re on the train and you got your airpods on, you’re on the bus, it’s something for everybody on the EP. Because it’s about real life experiences that I know not only I have gone through but other people are experiencing.

3 things you need in the studio at all times?

I have to have my Acqua Panna water. Acqua Panna all day long. I will go to Italy and sit at the bottom of the mountain where they get it from, put my hand right there and drink it. So good. I have to have assorted fruit. It’s watermelon, pineapples, grapes, strawberries, cantaloupes and honeydew melon. I’m so serious. All you producers out there, please have my Acqua Panna and fruit when I come into the studio or I’m not recording anything. I’m not doing it until these things get there. [laughs] Just kidding. 

Lastly, I have to take my shoes off when I’m in the booth, I cannot record with shoes on. I’ve tried it. I’ve sang the same part with shoes on, then I sing without my shoes and it comes out right. That’s my thing. As soon as I walk into the recording booth, I take my shoes off. Please know, if you have a studio and your booth floor is dirty, I’m not coming.

Talk about being a serial entrepreneur. 

I’m a serial entrepreneur, I’ve always been a hustler. I have multiple businesses. When I was 9 years old, I asked my dad to build me a lemonade stand. My dad’s a contractor, he builds things. My mom’s a school teacher. I used to sell The Baby-Sitters Club and Nancy Drew novels at my school when her class was done with them. I’d sell them for the MSRP suggested retail price on the book. I’d take the order forms that she used and take people’s orders. On Fridays, I’d bring them their books and they’d give me the money. My mom would let me keep the money. I started putting that money in this jar in my room. When I turned 10, my parents asked “What do you want for your birthday?” I said, I want to open a bank account. I had $3,500 that I made from 7yrs old to 10yrs old on my own.

Lastly, this is a little ghetto. Candy lady lived next door to us, but she was closed on Sunday. On Saturdays, I’d go and buy all the candy out of her store that she had left. On Sundays, everybody would buy their candy from me. I’ve been the ultimate hustler since I was born, so it translated as an adult. I’m multifaceted. I’m very creative. I consider myself a creative, business professional, but I really love meeting new people. I love doing things. I love being in environments where no two days are alike. 

I’m in the hospitality and nightlife space, which allows me to do that. I’m really excited about my businesses, but more so my music is what I’m really focused on. I’ve streamlined my businesses so that we have systems in place that other people can run them and I don’t have to physically be there. So I’ve been able to scale. 

How’s it being a mom and doing music and running your businesses…?

Oh wow. That’s the most challenging, most rewarding, most hard, beautiful job I’ve ever had in my life. My kids give me a lot of motivation. It makes me work 10 times harder because I want them to inherit wealth. Not only that, I want them to inherit the mindset that they can be owners. I don’t want my kids to grow up being consumers and working for other people. No shade to  anybody that works for anybody, but I don’t want that for my kids.

Because I’ve worked hard my whole life. Rest in peace Nipsey Hussle, the Marathon Continues. But I’ve been hustling my whole life. I’m tired baby, I want to pass this down to my children. I really want to lead by example and show them that you can have and do and be anything that you want to be, as long as you put yourself in position to do so. A lot of people say they want to do things, but they won’t position themselves to do it. They won’t learn about the industry they want to have a business in. They won’t do the research, they won’t take the steps. I want my kids to know you can do anything you want, just go according to what you’re supposed to do to achieve that.

What are your beauty go-to’s?

Oh my gosh, Sephora is my beauty go-to. #1. Sephora and Target are two places where I say “oh, I’m getting one thing” and my bill’s $750. I’m like, let me see what I got again. Did you ring up something twice? Because how did we get here? Literally, that’s my experience every time I go to Sephora. 

My top beauty products are NARS. I love their soft matte foundation. I love all Christian Dior lip oils and lip glosses because they look shiny and not sticky. One thing I can’t live without is my Benefit brow pencil, it has a micro tip on it. If my eyebrows aren’t done, I’m putting on a hat. I’m going to feel like something’s off, I cannot leave the house. I have shiny oily skin so I cannot leave the house without setting powder. I like Hourglass, I like Rihanna Fenty. I have so many products that I love. It’s hard to choose. I love baby oil too.

I love your outfit. What inspires your fashion?

Honestly when I get dressed, my goal in my head is when I put this on, I want to feel like how I feel inside. Inside, I’m that girl, and I want that to reflect on the outside. That’s literally what I think when I’m getting dressed. Even if I’m not dressed up: I’m that girl, but chill. And shout out to my stylist, his name is Sean. @newflawless on Instagram. My whole outfit is from AKIRA, I love that store. It literally fits into my aesthetic. 

What’re you most excited for next?

I’m excited to get on the road and start performing this music, seeing people’s real time response to it. I’ve been doing some shows already in Atlanta. I have some tour dates coming up that I can’t announce yet because the ink is not dry, but you’re going to see me everywhere. Anywhere there’s a mic or a stage, baby I’m on it. If I gotta perform at the WWE wrestling match, UFC, whoever needs a performer, I’m ready. I’m available. It’s about to be a booked and busy winter.


Photo Credits: Courtesy of Torica