
Gaming trends can often seem very broad, used to get a sense of where the industry as a whole might be heading. What might not be as common is looking at trends within genres to see how those smaller sectors are changing.

Online casinos host an enormous variety of games, but the way that they’re brought arguably closer to video games than traditional gambling through this shift in format raises a question of audience. This is where the live dealer comes in – an element of spontaneity and liveness that helps to bridge the gap between online casinos and the physical experience.

Options and Variety

In a way, it’s simply about providing the player with more options – something that is always popular.

After all, online casinos as a whole could be thought of as digital gambling hubs capable of catering to the different whims of different players. For example, some people might be more interested in online poker – something that’s been available online for decades, while others might find themselves gravitating towards slot games or the roulette wheel. Through the right online casino all of this will be available, and effort will be made to accommodate these different whims even by allowing players to pay in whatever way is most convenient for them. Of course, none of this is going to matter if the platform can’t be trusted to keep players safe, which, again, many will strive to do through encryption and proper certification.

What Does Liveness Add?

For players who find themselves more interested in the ‘video game’ approach to online casinos, perhaps never having been to a physical casino, there might be a question of what’s actually added through live dealers. As always, this is going to be subjective – different game modes and activities appeal more to some than others – but it arguably helps to create an event atmosphere.

While you might find all the games on your chosen online casino fun, for example, you might fit them into your day more as a way to pass the time more than anything to focus on especially. With a live dealer, your focus is brought more completely into the present moment, and you can become even more immersed than you might be when simply relying on the audio-visual design of the casino.

A Digital Shared Space

It might also be that live dealer casinos create a more enticing atmosphere within which to spend time with your friends. Again, while this is possible when just playing any game on an online casino, it might not be as appealing as it is until you all feel as though you’re suitably engaged in an activity. A good comparison might be wanting to spend time with your friend who lives some time away from you. A video call is a valid option, but with no focus other than your communication, you both might become aware of the shortcomings of this communication platform. However, with a game to share alongside this video call (or, in this case, a poker game), you might forget about those limitations entirely.