
The long-awaited season two of “The Real Housewives of Dubai” is set to premiere on June 2 on Bravo, and fans have eagerly been anticipating its return. The first season, which aired in 2022, introduced viewers to the opulent lives and dynamic personalities of Dubai’s elite. Among these personalities is Caroline Brooks, who quickly became a standout with her business ventures and bold, personable nature.

Fans have been curious about what’s to come in the newest season, from the friendship dynamics to the drama. Brooks shared that the episodes will be action-packed and that fans should not make prejudgments too fast, because things really shift. “It’s the roller coaster to ride this season. There is going to be every couple of episodes, twists, and turns that you couldn’t even imagine. Friendships, ups and downs, personal things, family relationships, and travel,” said Brooks. “The most exciting part for me is showcasing my business, The Glass House, which is now open. It’s the only inclusive salon and spa in the Middle East, if not broader. This is historic for women of color and it brings everybody together, both men and women.”

The Glass House, which opened over a year ago, has already made significant strides. In season one, fans saw Brooks navigating single motherhood prior to the completion of the salon. In the newest season, Brooks’ storyline will delve into the successes of being a business owner.

“I’ve never run a business that’s like a brick and mortar where it’s like customers in and out all the time, but it’s been an amazing journey,” said Brooks. “I think the best part for us was that shortly after we opened, we got the opportunity to work with Beyoncé.”

Aside from the salon developments, one of the notable highlights that fans can expect to see this season is the introduction of a new friend, Talene. Brooks and Talene have been friends prior to her appearance on the show, and inviting her into her already established friend group will be a sight to see.

“I’ve known Talene for almost a decade, but we never mixed friend groups. She always wanted to be part of my circle, so I brought her in. It was interesting and telling in many ways.”

Viewers can also expect to see deeper dynamics in Brooks’ existing friendships, particularly with Lesa Milan and Sara Al Madani. Brooks explained that she has known Lesa the longest, but in season one, it was hard to get close because of the group dynamics. This season, fans can expect to see their friendship develop more. Brooks also reflected on the tension from season one with co-star Sara when they had a disagreement centered around Brooks’ parenting style. After the two made amends following that situation, they have consistently been rebuilding their bond and have gotten closer than ever.

“Expect to see Sara and I grow incredibly close this season. We developed an authentic friendship, and she is now one of my closest friends in the group,” said Brooks.

Outside of friendship developments, as season two unfolds, Brooks anticipates viewers will see both personal and professional growth. “I’ve gone through a lot of healing after my divorce. Season two will show me coping better with life’s challenges, focusing on work and my son, and even exploring new love.”

It is no secret that the late-night X, also known as Twitter, users start posting critical remarks about the ladies after each episode. With season one putting Brooks’ more in the limelight outside of her business, she had to adjust to handling public perceptions and criticism. 

“Season one was hard because people only see a fraction of our lives. But I’ve learned not to take it personally,” said Brooks. “Over time, as fans see more of us, they’ll understand us better.”

Brooks is excited for fans to continue this journey with her and the rest of the cast. “There are many exciting moments and challenges ahead. I’m proud of what we’ve all accomplished and can’t wait for everyone to see it.”

The second season of “The Real Housewives of Dubai” promises to deliver drama, heartfelt moments, and a closer look into the lives of Dubai’s elite. Fans will undoubtedly be excited to see how the season unfolds.