
In the world of media, for many longevity is elusive, we spoke with one of the longstanding front runners in the age of OpEd Media, Funky Dineva, on his journey in the industry and his thoughts on activism and acceptance.

The law of attraction suggests that you attract and draw energy on what you focus on. For over a decade viewers have been attracted to Quentin “Funky Dineva” Latham. The opinions may vary but what is true, is that fans from all over the internet have drawn themselves to the topics, views, and opinions of this dynamic man. Every. Single. Week.

He is without waiver, exactly who he is, with no compunction to do otherwise. “I know that I’m not going to please everyone, and that’s okay… As long as I’m being true to myself and my vision, that’s all that matters to me… I have a lot of supporters who love what I do, and that’s what keeps me going.”

For this reason, his star continues to rise and his adaptation to move within the culture that he’s dedicated his time to has never changed the way that he boldly stands in his point of view. From YouTube, to acting, to major network shows, and in the last year back to YouTube; for some, our vice is Dineva.

I spoke with Latham recently and discussed a range of subjects both from his journey in media, his views on cancel culture and current events, and the concept of him being a shining example for the LGBTQIA community.

We started this conversation in pleasantries and even that is different from most conversations, “Better than I deserve Laura.” There’s a lot you can tell by an opening statement, and this allowed us to know that he was, ready to be the candid version of Quentin, that his fans as well as his friends and family know and love. While we’d love to be able to break down the depth of a full 45 minutes of conversation, the highlights alone are enough for us to gather ourselves in the understanding of a 40-year-old man, who knows who he is, and why he’s here.

The Start of a Journey to Now.

Numerous individuals believe crafting a successful show, whether on traditional networks, social media platforms, or the internet, is a straightforward task. Yet, in reality, the conceptualization phase isn’t the primary hurdle; sustaining enduring engagement proves more challenging than commonly perceived. Certain YouTubers focused on “gossip” content have faced legal repercussions due to their content creation methods and the evident absence of professionalism in their business practices. In our conversation with Latham, we tapped into his journey’s beginnings, which may have exposed him to public opinion and libel lawsuits.

Well, it all started when I was in college. I was studying journalism, and I started a blog just as a creative outlet. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but I was just having fun with it. And then one day, I made a video ranting about something that was going on in pop culture, and it went viral. That’s when I realized that I might be onto something. So, I kept making videos, and eventually, I started getting noticed by people in the industry. And now, here I am, doing what I love for a living.

That’s incredible. What do you think sets you apart from other entertainers?

I think what sets me apart is my unique perspective. I’m not afraid to say what’s on my mind, even if it’s controversial. And I think people appreciate that honesty. Also, I think my sense of humor sets me apart. I like to keep things light and fun, even when I’m talking about serious topics.

When asked if he believed he should be considered as a spokesperson for the LGBTQIA+ Community:

I don’t know, to be honest with you, I don’t view myself as that. That is a title that is a position that is a moniker that other people have given me. Now, you know, I don’t have my head so far up my ass that I don’t realize that you know, perhaps, maybe that is what I am, but I don’t view myself as that.

I view myself as this awkward, skinny little gay boy from Carol City Miami, Florida. That, that just has a big mouth that just found the place on YouTube. When I put on my clothes each day and I walk out the door, I don’t put on a name tag that says, LGBT spokesperson.

I’m glad that some people respect me enough and trust me enough, to give me that title or to consider me that, but it’s not something that I wanted. It’s still not something that I want. I don’t wanna be anybody’s spokesperson. I just wanna live. I want other people to be able to live. I think that it’s sad in 2024 that any group of people needs a spokesperson. I think that’s the more evolved conversation.

You know what I’m saying? The fact that groups of people even need a spokesperson. Why can’t people just be people and leave folks alone, either you rock with them or you don’t? But can we all just agree as human beings? Everybody deserves the same rights, respect, freedom, and safeties. And [at this point in society,] we should not be in situations where we are experiencing firsts.

On the intersectionality of Being a Black, Gay man, and his willingness to be an activist: So that activism is not in my ministry. However, I evolved to that place . Once it was once, I used to have that fight in me to go out there and force the world to understand me. Now as a 40-year-old man, I’m officially middle-aged. Statistically Laura, I probably have more years behind me than I do ahead of me. There’s no guarantee I’m gonna live to be 80 years old. I just don’t have it in me.

He further states, “I have found my tribe… I rarely venture out of my village… I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life fighting and arguing with bigotry and hatred… Get somebody else to do it.”

photographer credit: Jean Pablo Vialle

For more on Funky Dineva: