
Cuticles are a crucial part of nail health, yet they are often overlooked in our beauty routines. Proper cuticle care can prevent infections, promote healthy nail growth, and keep your hands looking well-groomed. Here’s a guide to the dos and don’ts of cuticle care to help you maintain healthy, beautiful nails:

The Do’s of Cuticle Care

Moisturize Regularly

Keeping your cuticles hydrated prevents them from becoming dry, cracked, and prone to tearing. Use cuticle oil, cream, or lotion daily, especially after washing your hands or before bed.

Gently Push Back Cuticles

Pushing back your cuticles helps maintain a neat appearance and prevents overgrowth. After a warm shower or bath, when your cuticles are soft, use a wooden stick or a soft cuticle pusher to gently push them back. Be gentle to avoid damaging the cuticles or the nail bed.

Use Cuticle Remover Products

Some cuticle remover products can be found from Sally Hansen, Deborah Lipmann, ProLInc, etc. These products help soften and remove dead skin around the cuticle area without the need for cutting. Apply the remover according to the product instructions, usually once a week, to keep your cuticles neat and clean. These products vary in strength, so it’s essential to choose one that fits your needs and to follow the instructions for safe use.  Apply the remover according to the product instructions, usually once a week, to keep your cuticles neat and clean.


Keep Hands and Nails Clean

Regularly washing your hands prevents the buildup of dirt and bacteria, reducing the risk of infections around the cuticle area. Clean your nails with a soft brush and mild soap, paying special attention to the cuticle area. 

Trim Hangnails Carefully

Hangnails can be painful and lead to infections if not managed properly. Use clean, sharp nail scissors or clippers to trim hangnails close to the skin. Avoid pulling or tearing them off. 

Protect Your Hands

Harsh chemicals, detergents, and frequent hand washing can dry out your cuticles. Wear gloves when cleaning or doing dishes, and apply a barrier cream if you’re frequently exposed to water or chemicals.

The Don’ts of Cuticle Care

Don’t Cut Your Cuticles

Cutting cuticles can cause injuries, infections, and may result in thicker, harder regrowth. Instead of cutting, focus on pushing back and moisturizing your cuticles to maintain their health. 

Don’t Bite Your Nails or Cuticles

Biting can lead to painful tears, hangnails, and infections, and can damage the nail bed. Break the habit by keeping nails short, using bitter-tasting nail polish, or finding a stress-relieving alternative like a stress ball.

Don’t Ignore Signs of Infection

Redness, swelling, pain, or pus around the cuticles could indicate an infection that needs treatment. If you notice these symptoms, seek medical advice or use over-the-counter antibacterial treatments as a first step.

Don’t Overdo Manicures

Frequent manicures, especially those involving aggressive cuticle trimming or harsh chemicals, can damage your cuticles. Space out professional manicures and ensure your nail technician uses gentle techniques. Give your nails time to breathe between treatments.

Don’t Use Metal Tools Aggressively

Metal tools can damage the delicate skin around the cuticles if used too forcefully. Use wooden sticks or rubber-tipped tools instead, and always be gentle to avoid injury.

Healthy cuticles contribute to the overall health of your nails. When cuticles are well-maintained, they support proper nail growth by protecting the new nail cells that form at the base of the nail. By following these guidelines, you can maintain healthy cuticles and nails, reducing the risk of and other issues. Remember, healthy cuticles are the foundation of strong, attractive nails!

Story By: Sascha Ealey

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