
The world is finally opening up. Are you ready? Covid-19 is an illness caused by a virus that can spread from person to person. In 2020 the world was placed on shutdown to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. This virus is spread mainly from person to person, through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It was also believed that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes.   

The government has asked us to take safety precautions to ensure we limit the spread and remain safe. We caught with Stephanie West, CEO of Clean It Best cleaning services to talk about her business and pre-cautions we can take to limit the spread of COVID-19.  

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your business? 

I’m a young mother, first-time business owner, and entrepreneur through and through. I started my cleaning business a year ago, May 20, 2019. I clean both residential and commercial properties and I absolutely love what I do! 

What inspired you to be an entrepreneur, and what lead you into this industry? 

Cleaning was something that I always enjoyed doing, but, I never thought about turning it into a business. It was my family and friends who saw that I had a knack and natural flair for cleaning. Everyone started suggesting that I get paid to do what I innately love to do and so, here I am, one year later, going strong, making it do what it do and loving every single solitary minute of it! There is something to be said about making a living doing what you would do for free. 

What does a typical day look like for you? 

Going from one client to the next and booking jobs in between. At the end of the day, I’m tired and happy, ready to lay it down so that I can get up and start all over again! Life is good! 

What qualities do you look for in choosing your team/network? 

I look for individuals who love to clean as I do and people with good communication skills and you are trustworthy, reliable, honest, loyal, and who take pride in the tasks assigned to them. 

What keeps your clients/members/followers coming back? 

My clients know how hard I work and how diligent I am in providing them a brand of service with a SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE. They know that I clean their home and establishment as though their home or business is my home or business. I won’t do anything less than what I would do for myself. 

With the world finally opening up during Covid-19, what are somethings we can do at home to make sure we are doing our part to stay safe? 

Take your shoes off before you enter your home. Leave them outside, or in the entryway, and then have indoor shoes you like to wear or simply go barefoot. 

Take an extra pair of clothes with you to work so that when you leave work you’re not bringing them home to your family. 

Check your vents make sure they are always clean. 

If you have no gloves use your sleeve to open doors, especially in public places. 

Change your gloves and mask often. 

Change your bedsheets every week. It’s a surface that people forget about. 

What are the ways your business gives back to the community? 

Clean It Best gives raffles every month for free cleaning. I also occasionally give my clients a goody bag just as a simple gesture to say, “THANK YOU” for patronizing my business. 

Where do you think your industry is heading during and post-pandemic, have you made any changes? 

The cleaning industry has always been an ESSENTIAL BUSINESS for both residential/families and commercial/businesses. The worldwide COVID 19 Pandemic has further solidified this industry as being essential. Business for me is booming and I couldn’t be happier for being able to provide this service!  

What advice would you give someone trying to break into your industry? 

Don’t give up on your dreams, but there’s more to breaking into this industry than just dreaming. Do your homework. If you don’t have any real experience working in this industry then try working in this industry to get both the training and the real-world experience and when you’re ready to break out on your own, JUST DO IT!

How do we keep up with you? 

 Stephanie West / Clean It Best 


Business Phone: 219-840-8505 

Follow the brand on Facebook and Instagram.




Featured Image by Amber Marie Green