
You’re having doubts that you’re really into your partner, but breaking up can be painful and messy, so you keep going with the relationship. You may try to convince yourself you’re compatible after all. This article looks at signs that compatibility is lacking or the spark isn’t there. If you observe four or more of these signs, the relationship isn’t likely to work.

You Aren’t Excited About Committing to Them

If the thought of living with this person or marrying them is not particularly pleasant or downright scary, you should think about why. When people are clicking, they want to stay together for a long time. Commitment should feel exciting and fulfilling rather than a burden. If you constantly find yourself avoiding conversations about the future, it might be time to reevaluate your feelings.

Other People Attract You

While being in a relationship doesn’t stop us from finding others attractive, the right person makes you not need to be with anyone else. If you’re not with the right person, you might be so into others that you start wishing you were with them instead. That’s a bad sign for the relationship that you’re in.

Similarly, you are not physically attracted to your partner. The initial spark will fade after a while, but you were considerably attracted to them at one point. Physical attraction is very important to a relationship, and needing it means you’re human, not shallow. You also avoid forms of intimacy like spooning, which couples who are in love enjoy.

You Don’t Want to Hurt Them

Are you staying just to avoid hurting them? The relationship should excite, not sadden you. People feel happy when they think about a relationship where they are in love. Staying in a relationship solely out of guilt can lead to resentment and emotional exhaustion in the long run.

You Don’t Get Jealous

Jealousy is certainly a negative emotion, but when you love someone, and you see them flirting with another person, it’s normal to experience it. If you’re not getting jealous when your partner is doing something that would normally provoke jealousy, you’re not into them very much.

You Are Not Inclined to Make Them Happy

Something could be wrong with the relationship if you’re lazy about pleasing them. When people are into each other, they are willing to give up something they love or do something they hate because their partner desires it. Small acts of kindness and compromises are a natural part of a healthy relationship.

You Seek Validation for the Relationship

You might be seeking validation from others or trying to rationalize staying with them when you aren’t clicking. An example is continuing a relationship because your friends or parents like your partner, even though you’re not sure about them. You don’t need people reaffirming the connection when you’re really into someone. Something is definitely off if you rely on other people’s opinions to validate the relationship.

You’re Having Doubts, Although Very Little Time Has Passed

According to data from the National Institutes of Health, relationships last less than two years for teenagers aged 16-18. In your 20s, these relationships can last two to four years. They can become longer as people postpone marriage or consider never getting married. Most people in their 30s have learned about relationships based on trial and error and have a relatively realistic idea of what they are looking for in a partner.

The Washington Post reports that breakups get less frequent once the relationship passes the one-year mark. Just 20% of couples broke up after being together for five years. Only 10% of cohabiting partners who have been together for two decades break up. Having doubts about being with the person, although the relationship has lasted for less than the average for your age group, is one final sign.

Additional Warning Signs

There are other subtle but important signs to watch for in a relationship that might indicate deeper issues. If conversations feel forced or awkward, and you struggle to find common ground, it could mean a lack of emotional connection. Similarly, if you find yourself constantly irritated by your partner’s habits or personality traits that didn’t bother you before, this could be a red flag.

Furthermore, if you often fantasize about being single or in a different relationship, it’s a strong indication that you are not truly happy where you are. Emotional detachment and lack of effort in resolving conflicts can also signify that the relationship may not be built to last.


Recognizing when you and your partner aren’t clicking can be challenging, but it’s essential for your emotional well-being and long-term happiness. If multiple signs resonate with you, it may be time to have an honest conversation with yourself and your partner about your true feelings. Healthy relationships thrive on mutual excitement, attraction, and commitment. If these are lacking, it might be better to part ways rather than force something that doesn’t feel right.

Every relationship has ups and downs, but when doubts and disconnects outweigh the positive aspects, it’s crucial to assess whether staying together is genuinely in both partners’ best interests. Trust your instincts and prioritize your emotional health.


  • The thought of committing to them scares you.
  • You’re strongly attracted to other people.
  • You stay out of fear of hurting your partner.
  • The thought of them cheating on you fills you with indifference.
  • You don’t make an effort for them.
  • You seek validation for the relationship.
  • You’re having persistent doubts early in the relationship.