
Libra Season is the initiation of the Autumn Equinox and the perfect time to catch your breath. Deeply inhale and exhale the luxurious air that this cardinal sign carries. Try not to get too carried away, as Libran energy is capable of creating superfluous thoughts that can cause the scales to become imbalanced, creating the superfluous turbulence that blows good things away.  

The Seventh House of Partnership is owned by Librans, with the land included. Inquire on your personal and professional partnerships during this time. Reflect on, not only the participants role, but yours as well. 

In Tarot, the major arcana card for Libra is Justice. Remain light as a feather, as the clean hearted always win. Libran scales represent the rebalancing of things via karmic cosmic justice. Rest assured that the non-physical will handle business in matters of righteous justice. 

Moon Guidance 

On October 2nd, tap into the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra. Should you eclipse some things out of your life and/or try to harmoniously renegotiate for new cooperations in your relations? Open your beautiful heart chakra and renew the love you have for yourself and others. 

Full Moon in Aries on October 17th is one of the most intense lunar energies, as you will feel the full power of Mars’ fierce and fast paced fiery energy. Rushing through life and superfluously losing your composure, are outdated. Incinerate that concept and instead, clench your fists around your desires. 

Vital Transits

Venus enters Scorpio on September 23rd, and this transit will stimulate sexual potency, whether it be love or lust. Only resist this, if the connection does not feel healthy, or it could be a Venus fly trap type of situation. 

September 26th initiates the Mercury in Libra transit. Unfortunately, air energy is not solid in areas of thought. During this time, try your best—if anything should come up—to use discernment in decision making, so that you won’t have to reevaluate the result of these decisions later. Afterwards, Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13th. As much as you may begin to visualize the revenge you feel you should get, consider thinking on broader ways of achieving that lick back that won’t cause you to destroy yourself in the process. 

Mars is in Cancer from September 4th through November 4th. While this transit is in motion, the collective may feel encouraged to fearlessly express themselves. Discernment goes a long way when sharing anything close to and about you at this time. 

On September 1st, Pluto leaves Aquarius, shifting back into Capricorn until November 19th for the planets last visit to the sign for about 200 years. Capricorns and Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancers, Libras) have been mostly affected and have been working tirelessly through this transit. Pluto’s final trek is allowing for one more hard push and the rewards that will be reaped will age like fine wine. 

Jupiter is transiting Gemini until June 9th, 2025. During this time, notice how you collect lucrative information on any budding curiosities whilst delving into copious amounts of distractions. 

Retrograde Season

Retrogrades are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles and parts of their lives that need attention. 

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini begins on October 9th until February 4th. Critique the information you’ve collected, analyze the intricacies of your thoughts and if the webs they weave are serving a purpose or hindering your decisiveness. Sharpen your focus because benefic Jupiter in quick moving Gemini could positively shift your fortune. 

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn goes direct on October 12th. During this time, you should have been taking a seat with your shadow side and reflecting on how it has negatively affected you. Did you transmute or dead useless parts of your shadow side and allow a self-renaissance? 

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (June 29th – Nov 15th) during this retrograde and transit, notice how you will be forced to look into your reflection and introspect. Take accountability for critical past errors and heal. 

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (July 2nd – Dec 7th), This retrograde is tricky, because it causes massive clarity and confusion. Seeing things for what they really are is the cause of the uncertainty. This reality check is a gut punch. 

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Sept 1st – Jan 30th) Uranus’ retrograde is unpredictably rebellious and Taurus loves her stability and secrets. The shakeup may leave you shooketh, but if people stopped resisting change, they would learn to enjoy the shift. 

Stay tapped in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, author of The Savagery of Astrology 

Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine 

Photo Credit: Nhayah Goode