
We have now entered Leo Season, the bold and beautiful season that is charged with the ROAR and purr needed in life. 

Leos live in the 5th House of Pleasure. There is no coincidence that the house that represents fun and games belongs to the summer and Leo SZN. What does pleasure mean to you? Once you analyze that, give yourself more permission to partake in JOY! JOY!! JOY!!!

In Tarot, the major arcana trump card for Leo, is the Strength Card. Strength is not only physical, but mental and spiritual. Evaluate your power levels and recharge where necessary.  

Moon Guidance 

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th is doubling down on the urgency of positive detachment and release of anything that keeps you detached from positive movement forward towards the things that positively serve you. How can you be good to the world but be cruel to those who are gifted to you? Free yourself from toxicities and water your mind, body and spirit. 

New Moon in Leo on August 4th wishes you to toast and celebrate yourself. Congratulate yourself for your accomplishments thus far and pre-celebrate all the newness that is on the way. Love on yourself, but be courageous in the face of criticism, because the internal assessment you are resisting is blocking you from moving towards increased excellence. 

Vital Transits

Mars in Gemini are demented times. This transit begins July 20th through September 4th. The combination of Mars’ relentless combativeness and intensity and Gemini’s tirelessness and swiftness equates to madness. 

Jupiter in Gemini is a wonderful time for collecting information on any budding curiosities and delving into copious amounts of distractions. 

Airy Mercury in earthy Virgo will be guiding the collective to utilize precision and flex on their expertise. 

If you’re on embarking on love during this time, Venus in Virgo will be too busy scrutinizing to really feel the love that Venus is influencing. Remember love requires grace and unconditionality. 

Retrograde Season

Retrogrades are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles and parts of their lives that need attention. Your celestial awareness is not required, but for effective transformation, it is recommended. 

Mercury Retrogrades second iteration of 2024 begins in Mercury ruled Virgo on August 5th and ends in Sun ruled Leo on August 28th. Mercury is spinning so fast during his retrograde, that people from the past may pop out like a certified boogeyman. Technology likes to act up, travel could get iffy, and communication might get crazy. Don’t be intimidated, this is the universe calling the planet to just calm tf down and take it easy. 

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (June 29th – Nov 15th) during this retrograde and transit, notice how you will be forced to look into your reflection and introspect on critical past errors and for healing accountability.  

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (July 2nd – Dec 7th), This retrograde is tricky, because it causes massive clarity and confusion. Seeing things for what they really are is the cause of the uncertainty. This reality check is the gut punch. 

Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius (May 2nd – Oct 12th) sits you down with your shadow side to encourage reflection on the negative effects of your dark side. Transmute or dead it and allow a self-renaissance. For more on the powerful effects of Pluto in Aquarius, read Shift Happening in Aquarius

Stay tapped in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, author of The Savagery of Astrology      Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine on all newsstands.