Welcome to Aries Season, the first zodiac sign of the astrological new year. Arians are masculine cardinal initiators of the Vernal/Spring Equinox—the true New Year, as all things are springing up, fresh and new. Fueled by fire and ruled by Mars, Aries are the zodiac’s courageous war Lords and are highly exalted when the Sun transits him. Creative and innovative, passionate and impetuous, Aries loves quarreling and will rarely quit. It behooves everyone, including the Rams, to choose their battles wisely during this season, because loving to fight does not necessarily mean victory—it could mean wasted time and energy on superfluousness. Start something revolutionary. Fearlessly confront external obstacles and yourself if you are your own obstruction. Asé.
Aries dominate the 1st House of The Self. In this space, the work consists of coming face to face with oneself. How do you want to appear to the world even if you don’t care what others think? Are you fully expressing yourself and how are those interactions?
Aries’ major arcana in Tarot, is The Emperor card, which represents a wise, solid Man, seated at his throne prepared to protect and progress—at the ready to act. Use great wisdom before wielding the sword.
Lunar Cycles
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries (March 29th) invites you to boldly sit with yourself, meditate and determine the areas that need a fresh start. Amplified Arian eclipse energy is fast paced and stimulates you to ram into yourself—shake yourself up—and outline the measures needed to take action and escalate the betterment of your lifestyle.
Full Moon in Libra (April 13th) Libran Moons are a good time to harmonize and come to an agreement. Initiate strategic romantic endeavors and partnerships of all kinds. Go get her or him and do something wonderful. You are what you negotiate. Use this energy to bravely ask for that raise, promotion, or proposal.
Active Retrogrades
Retrogrades (Rx) are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles to improve upon parts of their lives that need attention.
Venus Rx in Aries (March 2nd – April 13th and shifts from Aries to Pisces on Mar 27th), for 40 days and 40 nights expect things to get hectic in areas of love and money. You may find yourself reconsidering what is important to you, rethinking what you’re doing with your dinero, and re-evaluating all relationships.
Mercury Rx in Aries (March 15th – April 7th and shifts from Aries to Pisces on Mar 30th), three times a year, Mercury Rx creates miscommunications, travel and technology disruptions, alongside the possibility of people/situations from the past resurfacing. While in Aries, be cautious of reckless reactions. Simmer down during Mercury Rx.
Vital Transits
Mercury and Venus are back and forth in Pisces and Aries due to their retrogrades.
Venus in Aries (Feb 4th – Mar 27th) expect exothermic romantic escapades. Throw caution to the wind yet be responsibly impulsive. Be direct about romantic/sexual desires, whether for a short or long time.
Venus back in Pisces (March 27th – April 30th) for another chance at romanticizing your life, dreams, and relationships.
Mercury in Aries (March 3rd – March 30th) will stimulate impulsive dialogue. Aries amplifies mental activity and what is said, will be blunt. If possible, think before you speak. (Mercury reenters Aries on April 16th)
Mercury in Pisces (March 30th – April 7th) This is a mentally sensitive transit and instead of ebbing it, go with the flow. New ideas may come to the surface. Calming the mind will be vital for clarity.
Mars in Cancer (Feb 24th – April 18th) you may feel a heightened desire to protect whatever is vital to you, coupled with courageous emotional expression.
Preview Neptune in Aries (March 30th – October 22nd) Spiritual shifts and awakenings erupted, meditations deepened, and manifestations materialized while Neptune was in Pisces for the last 14 years. For the next 7 months, the collective will see and feel what’s next with Neptune in Aries before the official long-term transit commences in 2026. Neptune is spiritual and Aries is actionable, together dreams are actualized, from personal to global. Boundaries will be pushed to ensure the people get what they want.
Jupiter in Gemini (25 May 2024 – 9 June 2025) Jupiter rules philosophy and fortune, while Gemini loves socializing and mischievousness. Curiosities on all things are running rampant; information harvesting is huge. Delightfully distract yourself when necessary.
Saturn in Pisces (7 March 2023 – 14 February 2026) Whenever Pisces is activated, it’s primarily about enhancing spirituality and deepening relationships. Saturn is disciplined and persevering. Since the transit began, you may have been heavily evaluating relationships and working through healing emotional trauma. Keep up the good work.
Taurus in Uranus (15 May 2018 – 26 April 2026) Uranus creates unexpected upheavals, revolutionary rifts and course correction. Taurus vibrates with stability, possessions, and pleasure. Together, Uranus in Taurus pushes people to liberate themselves from the erratic ways in which they may treat stability, possessions, and pleasure. If a breakthrough is what you want, Uranus will give it to you.
North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo Retrograde (29 Jan 2025 – 18 Aug 2026) “Lunar Nodes of Fate will keep you on point. They excavate where you have been and where you are going.”— (Goode, 2024, p. 45, 46). Part of acting and doing the work is mental. North Node in Pisces expands your imagination for deeper dreams and sweeter romances to flourish. Open your spirit and delve into your vision in all directions—north, south, east, and west. Choose softness and fluidity. Remember, it’s good to sink your hands in, feel the soil, and get a little dirty sometimes.
Pluto in Aquarius (19 Nov 2024 – 8 Mar 2043), a transit so massive that all Pluto in Aquarius details are here.
Tap in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, Author of The Savagery of Astrology
Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine.
Photo Credits: Nhayah Goode
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