Aquarius’ are often misidentified as a water sign because their symbol is the water-bearer, but they are a gone with the wind, masculine air sign, that is polarity to Leo in the zodiac. Welcome to Uranus ruled Aquarius’ SZN—where friendships, rebellion and eccentricities rule. Aquarians detest the past and are driven to move forward. Although they are a fixed sign and can be airheaded like their brothers, the Gemini and Libra, they are capable of aerial intelligence. Being a detached, humanitarian is their challenge, and they must find a healthy balance to master both.
When you think of the Aquarian ruled Eleventh House, consider the 1992 legendary TLC record, “What About Your Friends?” Friendships and the future are the blueprint of this estate. Pour into your social groups and project your destiny.
Aquarius’ major tarot arcana is The Star card, and its guidance is to get thee behind you and indeed, look to and reach for the stars. When one looks up, it’s as if they are seeking what is unseen. The Star card urges one to inspire by definition—meaning to breath, stay calm and be sanguine.
Word of the Season: Conjunction—an aspect that happens when two planets and/or luminaries are close together and in the same sign. This closeness stimulates powerful new beginnings.
There are many powerful conjunctions in 2025.
Vital Transits
New Moon in Aquarius on January 29th. The theme here, is FOR-WARD, MARCH! Rebel against your limits and move forward. Positively obsess on your future. Connect with your true self and those that are true to you. Be both outside of the box and by the book. Asé.
On February 12th, the Moon will be Full in Leo. Shed a little of your pride and don’t be too proud to beg. Besides art, get creative by way of using your imagination to effectuate your preferences. Most importantly, “You better shine on ‘em, baby you’re a star. You better!”—Sa-Roc, “Forever”.
Venus transits Pisces (Jan 3rd – Feb 4th) Venus is exalted in Pisces and merges Piscean emotional depth with Venusian love and affection. When Venus transits Aries (Feb 4th – Mar 27th) expect exothermic romantic escapades. Throw caution to the wind yet be responsibly impulsive.
Mercury in Capricorn (Jan 8th – Jan 28th), this transit and placement influences precision and clarity in both thought and communication. Mercury transits Aquarius (Jan 28th – Feb 14th). Exalt your individual intellectual prowess and diversify your studies. Provoke your thoughts, free them into the wild, and let ideas flow.
North Node in Pisces/South Node in Virgo Retrograde (29 Jan 2025 – 18 Aug 2026) “Lunar Nodes of Fate will keep you on point. They excavate where you have been and where you are going.”— (Goode, 2024, p. 45, 46). Part of acting and doing the work, is mental. North Node in Pisces is about opening up your imagination for your deepest dreams and sweetest romances to come to life. Open your spirit and delve into your vision in all directions—north, south, east, and west. Choose softness and fluidity. Remember, it’s good to sink your hands in, feel the soil and get a little dirty sometimes.
Jupiter in Gemini (25 May 2024 – 9 June 2025) Jupiter rules philosophy and fortune, while Gemini loves socializing and mischievousness. Curiosities on all things are running rampant, information harvesting is huge, and delightful distractions aren’t so bad.
Pluto in Aquarius (19 Nov 2024 – 8 Mar 2043), a transit so massive, that all Pluto in Aquarius details are here.
Active Retrogrades
Retrogrades (Rx) are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles to improve upon parts of their lives that need attention.
Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Sept 1st – Jan 30th) Uranus’ retrograde is unpredictably rebellious and Taurus loves her stability and secrets. The shakeup may leave you shooketh, but if people stopped resisting change, they would learn to enjoy the shift.
Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini (Oct 9th – Feb 4th) Critique the information you’ve collected, analyze the intricacies of your thoughts and decide if the webs weaved are serving a purpose or hindering decisiveness. Sharpen your focus because benefic Jupiter in swift Gemini could positively shift your fortune.
Mars Retrograde in Cancer (Jan 6th – Feb 24th) Avoid unnecessary quarrels and letting the passion take you under. Setbacks during this retrograde can cause you to have to reset your entire life. Energy levels could run low, you must find healthy ways to reenergize. Postpone taking immediate action and organize decisive plans to effectively execute.
Tap in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, Author of The Savagery of Astrology
Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine.
Photo Credits: Nhayah Goode
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