
Complimentary Public Event Addresses HIV/AIDS Education and Care Among Black Women in Georgia, Featuring Community Leaders and Health Experts on July 16 at Morehouse School of Medicine

The Satcher Health Leadership Institute (SHLI) at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM), and the Southern AIDS Coalition (SAC), are co-hosting the inaugural “Walk in Her Shoes” mother-daughter event on Tuesday, July 16 at 6 p.m. on the MSM campus, 720 Westview Drive Southwest, Atlanta, GA 30310. This complimentary event is at full capacity.

SHLI’s Health Equity Tracker research indicates that 25-34-year-old Black women are significantly more at risk for being diagnosed with HIV. In 2021, they represented 27% of the new HIV diagnoses reported nationally. Black women in Georgia are nearly 12 times more likely than white women to be diagnosed with HIV. This risk is so critical that the White House named Black women as one of the five top priority populations for its national HIV/AIDS strategy.

“Walk in Her Shoes” creates a supportive and empowering space where Black women living with HIV can share experiences, gain inspiration, and access valuable resources. The gathering will convene experts, stakeholders, and Black women living and thriving with HIV to discuss strategies in navigating the HIV landscape and overcoming challenges related to the social and political determinants of health.

“Walk in Her Shoes” is an HIV educational event conceptualized from SHLI’s End the Epidemic (EHE) Initiative and Georgia Thrives campaign. Funded by Gilead Sciences, EHE addresses the systemic challenges that Black communities encounter in HIV testing, treatment, ongoing care, and data equity.

“This momentous occasion will examine the structural barriers along the HIV Care Continuum impacting Black communities across generations in Georgia,” said Dr. Maisha Standifer, SHLI Director of Population Health. “We hope mothers and daughters will leave enlightened and destigmatized on HIV/AIDS.”

Attendees will gain insights on the latest HIV/AIDS preventive solutions and treatment options through interactive conversations with experienced panelists and advocates. For more information, visit

Who: Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse School of Medicine and the Southern AIDS Coalition

What: “Walk in Her Shoes” mother-daughter event

When: Tuesday, July 16 at 6 p.m.

Where: Morehouse School of Medicine – 720 Westview Dr. SW, Atlanta, GA 30310

Photo Credit: Walk In Her Shoes