There is nothing more shocking than hearing that someone you love has suddenly passed away. Worse is hearing that they had their whole life ahead of them and was only 25 years old. For the last six days, my life has been turned upside down … twisted … and my heart broken into little pieces. My nephew, who was only twenty-five years old, is dead. His flame on this earth is gone.
It’s one thing to lose a loved one … but it’s another to have people video and rob his deceased body. I am talking about my nephew, Marcus Adams. He was a loving and caring young man with his whole life ahead of him. No different than any other young adult, he was making his way in this world, setting a blazing trail that would help others. How he was found is shocking and it hurts … hurts like nothing I ever felt before. You know, some losses in life blow you away, taking with it every little breath you take. This is one of them. I want to scream! I am angry! And mad! And at times, at a loss for words. I like many of my family members including his mother and father just want to know why. Why has this happened to them and us? Death leaves you begging for answers, wondering whether there was anything you could have done, or said, to change the outcome and stop the hurting.
My nephew’s death is said to be a suicide. We don’t believe that. We knew Marcus Adams and knew he loved life. One would say accepting such a horrific story of why a loved one is no longer with you today is normal. Who wants to believe such a thing? We get it, but we know in our hearts something is not right? How do you really grieve the loss of someone you love? How do you process all of the pain, hurt, and anger of what people did to him after his death? Most of all, how do you keep from losing control— your grip on reality? If I am tired and hurt, I can only imagine what my brother, Marcus Adams Sr., and his wife, Aisha Adams, are going through.
Losing a loved one suddenly does not offer you any breaks, rest, or answers. It only offers confusion and frustration. My heart breaks every time I see my nieces and nephews, his brothers and sisters. My heart screams in my chest, causing tears to roll down my cheeks every time I see my brother in pain. You want to be strong for the family. You run through life during such times wanting to fix it; you know, make it better, but making it better is seeing Marcus’s smiling face … seeing that person alive and well.
Marcus Adams lived in San Antonio, TX. On July 26, 2021, around 11:00 am in the morning, my brother and his family woke to police detectives at the door, letting them know that his son was dead, found hanging in a drainage ditch. That is not it, his body was videoed hanging and a chain from his dead and lifeless body was removed. The arrogance and insensitivity of some people in this world makes me sick to my stomach. What kind of world do we really live in? Has the world gone mad? That one’s first response to such an event would be to pull out your camera and start videoing and robbing someone who has passed away before calling for help? How do you mentally process such behavior? You can’t just as we can’t and we find ourselves dazed, staring into space at times if not bursting into tears.
“Love those who are close to you. I wish I could have done more.” This is now the conversation we are having in our heads. Wait! That’s not all because we want answers to what has happened to Marcus Adams. Justice for Marcus Adams is what I tell myself daily. I am not alone; we have had people helping through GoFundMe with donations. My family has had people reaching out sharing love for the family as we grieve and mourn in this difficult time. My brother, his wife, and the family are now seeking a second autopsy to find out what really happened to Marcus Adams.
Did I see the horrific video that was made by these people stealing from my nephew, Marcus Adams? Yes, and I am still haunted by it. I refuse to mention the name of the persons in the video that is seen with my nephew’s dead body, removing his jewelry from his neck because it makes me angry. I am brokenhearted and will be for a long time. Time as I know it has stopped, and I am now finding myself forgetting simple things like eating and sleeping. I am sharing this story with you today because I am sad … my family is sad. I, like the rest of the family, find myself laughing one moment about the funny things Marcus did and/or said and crying the next. I have lost control over my emotions and struggle now with crying over smiling. Although I want to smile, it’s difficult right now keeping a smile on my face. Processing grief is not easy. I know, like many of my family members, it will become easier in time, but for now it is not.
When someone you love dies, build a support system around the family members. Understanding that life is short is an understatement, especially when you didn’t see coming. If you know someone is going through something or you yourself are going through something, speak up and allow others to help you. Never keep what is hurting you inside. If you are being bullied by someone or others, please speak up and tell someone; you are not alone. Let people know what is going on. For now, my family and I will continue to seek out justice for Marcus Adams. Remember his name. Keep our family in your prayers. Marcus Adams, I love and miss you. Although your life flame has burned out in this world, it will forever burn in our hearts.
We want answers. We spoke with Kens5 News. We are increasing the fundraiser to help with a second autopsy. Please continue to support and donate. San Antonio family committed to honoring relative after ‘insensitive and cruel’ incident.
My heart bleeds for you nephew! I know we have to let God navigate us through this excruciating pain but no amount of time is going to allow us to accept this. Marcus Adams we will get justice for you,and your light will shine bright through us. Until we meet again, nephew, we love you!!!
Thank you.
Was this on the news?
Thank you, sister.
I’m absolutely speechless and my heart aches for all of the family, and for this young man. It seems there’s just no end to the pain and suffering running through the veins of society; nor to the depths of depravity that even younger and younger youth are delving. Regardless of the answers your family ultimately find for this unimaginable loss, this handsome young man with goals and dreams and obviously loved beyond measure, cannot be replaced nor the pain in your hearts quenched. The truth of his death is deserved! If by his own or another’s hand, I pray for peace for all of you. God bless you all.
My name is V, and I’m a live internet DJ. One of my close friends was a classmate of Marcus’s, and his passing has really affected her. In support for her and for the Adams family, I read aloud this article on air today during my show. Then I spoke for a few moments on the power of our words and actions, and how what we say and do affects those around us, whether we want it to or not. My prayers and thoughts are with you all, and I hope that the truth in this situation is soon revealed. Much love, DJ V
Thank you for your support.
I went to school with Marcus and he always had a smile talking to friends I do not believe he did this himself we need justice for Marcus I have attached a link for a petition.
We agree. Thank you.
We agree.
This is horrible. I pray you and your family find peace in these troubled times. Nothing can undo what you witnessed. I hope that justice is served. The two young girls really need to be held accountable for their bad decisions. Sending peace and love to everyone that reads this❤️
Thank you so much.
I am so sorry for you and your family’s loss. It is clear from this post how deeply you care for him & how committed you are to his memory! I came across his story through the unfortunate story of the theft and I’m sorry y’all have to deal with that on top of his death. Praying you get closure and peace.
Thank you for your prayers.
Remembering Marcus Adams was beautifully written, I am still speechless and heartbroken over his passing. I never got a chance to meet him however , his passing still hurts. Because of his paternal grandmother my mother was lead to Jesus Christ. The Adams Family has always been near and dear to my heart . I know it has been many years since I have seen Marcus, Sr and his Aunt Johanna aka(Cookie) all of rest of the family , I have never forgotten them and has always kept the entire family in my thoughts and prayers. Justice Will Prevail for Marcus Adams, Jr.
Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for your support.
Marcus was one of the first people I met when I moved to Texas. He was an amazing friend! I am so sorry for all of this! It’s still unreal to me. I pray that everyone can get closure! I truly don’t believe that he did this to himself. It just doesn’t sound like Marcus. I am so sorry that you had to see that video. I pray that we get JUSTICE! Forever our angel! #MarcusAdams
Thank you for reaching out to us. Yes, we want justice for Marcus Adams.
Thank you. We miss him.
I am heartbroken for you and your family. My deepest condolences for the loss of Marcus. I can tell that you and your family loved Marcus very much. Thank you for sharing his story. He will be remembered. You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers. May Marcus rest in paradise.❤️#JusticeForMarcusAdams
Thank you for reaching out and for your support.
Just read about this on YouTube, to the family and friends I send my sincere condolences to yall🙏