Natasha Suber Perry, a native of Prince George’s County, has dedicated over a decade to serving her community through her business, Suber & Company (SCO). With 12 years of military service and 14 years as a government consultant, Natasha launched SCO in 2014 to empower entrepreneurs and promote growth in underrepresented communities. Starting from a small 1,500 sq. ft. space with a team of four remarkable Black women, SCO has now expanded to an impressive 8,300 sq. ft. office, becoming the leading virtual office provider in Southern Maryland. Natasha’s commitment to diversity and community development continues to drive the company’s success.

What do you define as success?

Natasha: Success means doing what I love for myself and my family while uplifting others along the way.

What inspired you to start your company?

Natasha: In 1998, I began a home-based “secretarial service” while in college after my oldest child was born. Sharing my home address led to strangers visiting us for services. I discovered a company in DC offering virtual business addresses and saw the potential for a similar business. After years working in various roles, I became an independent consultant in 2007, partnering with my sister. After her passing in 2012, I had to dissolve the business but felt called back to entrepreneurship. With God’s guidance, I opened SCO in 2014, and a decade later, we’ve expanded twice. 

Do you believe in work-life balance? If so, how do you maintain it?

Natasha: Yes, I’ve recently prioritized work-life balance. As a Gen-Xer caring for elderly parents and raising children, I learned the hard way about the importance of self-care when my health declined. A life-changing self-care conference last year helped me realize what I needed. Now, I intentionally carve out time for myself, like gardening, and have let go of extra work that added stress. This shift has improved my overall well-being, allowing me to enjoy my family and business more.

What’s your best advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?

Natasha: Stay aware of your competition but remember that you can’t do it alone. Partnering with similar businesses and seeking mentorship are crucial for growth. I’ve benefited from various coaching cohorts that have expanded my knowledge.

Who is your business role model, and why?

Natasha: Tyler Perry inspires me. His journey demonstrates consistency in honoring God, respecting those who paved the way, and staying committed to his audience and team. I’ve supported over 420 small businesses, many of whom have been with me since 2014. Like Tyler, I believe in the significance of grace and building strong relationships in business.

Congratulations on 10 years in business. How have you maintained longevity?  

Natasha: God deserves all the credit for SCO’s ten-year journey. From vision to provision, He has been my anchor. Additionally, “Team Suber” is exceptional, particularly my Operations Manager, Sonya Washington, who has been with me for nine years. Our Finance Coordinator, Jordyn Hawkins, joined three years ago, and together we’ve built a supportive community among our diverse small businesses. My passion for what we do keeps me connected to our clients and motivated to fulfill our mission.

You’re planning to create a network of virtual offices across the country. Tell us about it. 

Natasha: In the coworking industry, it’s common for operators to partner with larger providers. We’re developing an operator portal that will allow small operators to offer virtual office services to our members. This will provide members with access to more workspaces while enabling our partners to expand their reach. We aim to establish ten partner locations by the end of the year!


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Photo Credits: Photo Provided by Natasha Suber Perry