Meisha and Dr. Nicole are determined to bridge the gap. they recently launched their 5th Annual Nurse Power Brunch: Essence Festival Edition in New Orleans, LA on July 1, 2023, which focused on empowering nursing professionals and providing them with intentional community, tangible resources, and access to information to enhance their personal and professional development.
Who is Meisha Amia, R.N., and Dr. Nicole Thomas, R.N. outside of your bios?
Meisha Amia is a community leader in every aspect of life. Not defining leadership by credentials or work titles but simply by the way she engages a community to create change and challenge the standards of the people.
Dr. Nicole Thomas is a builder! The bottom line is if there is something that is not in place to support the continued impact to support the delivery of positive healthcare outcomes, Dr. Nicole is going to build it. She is also a wife, mom, friend, and change-maker.
How do you feel nurses impact the healthcare system and communities, especially communities with a majority being people of color?
The reality is nurses drive healthcare because there is not one healthcare entity that can exist without a nurse! Nurses provide care from a 360-degree perspective which means we look at all aspects that impact patient health from the physical being, the mental being, the community being, etc. which means we provide care far beyond the 4 walls of a hospital. We are in the communities, the homes, and vulnerable populations in which patients reside and that’s where impact happens.
Let’s discuss managing stress as a health professional. What are three ways to de-stress as a healthcare provider which can remain consistently stressful?
- Set boundaries inside and outside of your career. So that means both professionally and personally.
- Learn the power of the word “NO” and don’t be afraid to tell people “No” when you don’t want to do something.
- Get in therapy and get the tools you need to deal with life because life happens both personally and professionally.

Can you tell us more about The Nurse Power Network?
The Nurse Power Network was created to help nurses learn the various spaces within the healthcare industry in which our skillset is needed and to infiltrate those areas to ensure the voice and the perspective is heard. We help nurses to find, operate, & DOMINATE in their specific nurse power by equipping them with tools, resources, and action-oriented empowerment.
How can others that are both nurses or not support or continue to be a supporter of the Nurse Power Network?
They can move from our open digital home such as our SM channels and website to our closed digital membership platform titled “Nurse Power Inner Circle” and learn, implement, and grow in finances, career development, business, marketing, & relationship development.
What would you like our readers to gain from this interview?
While it is always good for readers to simply learn about the building you are doing, for us we want readers to understand the Real-life work nurses put into making the healthcare system what it is and that we are not going to stop until nurses as placed in every element of the healthcare infrastructure because nurses are POWERFUL!
What are you looking forward to most in 2023?
Elevated Nurse Power! We are launching our official membership platform that will educate and train nurses to take the skills they already have as nurses, and merge them with financial practices, business practices, and personal & professional development so they can find, operate, and then dominate in their power as a nurse.
How can our readers connect with you?
We are worldwide, so just Google Us! Follow us across all social media platforms @TheNursePowerNetwork & visit our digital corner of the internet at
Photo Credits: Photo Provided
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