
Tiffany Thrasher is a mother, wife, and entrepreneur with a doctorate in Business and Accounting. As the owner of The TaxBar Consultants and TaxBar Pro, she’s dedicated to empowering others through financial success and education.

Tiffany Thrasher’s journey is one of resilience, growth, and unwavering dedication. A proud mother and wife, she balances her personal life with her professional achievements, leading multiple successful businesses. Her deep commitment to financial literacy has driven her to establish The TaxBar Consultants and TaxBar Pro, both designed to empower others to reach financial success. With a doctorate in Philosophy of Business and Accounting, Tiffany continues to inspire and mentor, using her expertise to guide others toward achieving their goals and making a lasting impact in the financial industry.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Share with the readers of Sheen Magazine who you are and your story.

Thank you for the honor of sharing my story with the readers of Sheen Magazine. My name is Tiffany Thrasher, and it’s a pleasure to connect with you today.

I’m a mother of five, with four bonus kids that I cherish, and a proud wife. My journey has been defined by hard work, resilience, and an unshakable belief in the power of perseverance. Recently, I achieved a significant milestone in my life by earning a doctorate in Philosophy of Business and Accounting, a testament to my commitment to continuous learning and growth.

As the owner of The TaxBar Consultants, a tax preparation company, TaxBar Pro, a software provider, and a collection call center agency, I’ve dedicated my career to creating opportunities and empowering others to achieve financial success. I started from humble beginnings, and through relentless effort, I’ve built businesses that thrive and uplift others along the way.

My passion for helping others is rooted in my own experiences of overcoming challenges and building from the ground up. I believe in the importance of community and the impact we can have when we support each other. Whether it’s through mentoring, business partnerships, or simply offering guidance, I’m committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those around me.

Receiving my doctorate has been a deeply fulfilling achievement, one that further solidifies my dedication to business and accounting. It reflects my belief in the power of education and its endless possibilities.

Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my journey with you. I hope my story inspires others to pursue their dreams with unwavering determination and embrace the opportunities that come their way.

What led you to start a career as a tax professional, and can you share a pivotal moment or experience that influenced your choice?

My journey into the world of tax preparation began out of a desire to create a better life for my family. At the time, I owned a separate business that was very successful but I honestly just wanted to try something new. 

A pivotal moment that influenced my choice was when I first saw the potential of the tax industry. I was introduced to tax preparation by someone who showed me how, with the right knowledge and dedication, you could earn a significant income in just a few months. That initial glimpse into what was possible sparked something in me, and I decided to dive in and learn everything I could about the business.

The experience that truly solidified my decision was my first tax season. I was able to make $165,000 in just four months, working in a way that fit my life and allowed me to be there for my family. That success not only changed our financial situation but also showed me the power of this industry and the opportunities it could offer others as well. It was at that moment I knew this was more than just a job—it was a path to freedom, both financially and personally.

Since then, my passion has only grown, and I’ve dedicated myself to helping others achieve similar success. Seeing the impact that this career can have on people’s lives, just as it did on mine, has been incredibly rewarding and continues to fuel my commitment to this profession.

As a tax professional, what continues to drive your passion for this field, and how do you stay motivated year after year?

What continues to drive my passion as a tax professional is the profound impact I can have on people’s lives. Taxes are something that everyone has to deal with, yet so many people feel overwhelmed or unsure about the process. Being able to step in, provide clarity, and help clients maximize their refunds or minimize their liabilities is incredibly rewarding. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about empowering people with knowledge and helping them achieve financial stability and growth.

One of the biggest motivators for me is seeing the transformation in my clients’ lives. When someone comes to me stressed about their finances, and I’m able to guide them to a place of relief and even excitement about their financial future, that’s what keeps me going. Knowing that I’m making a real difference, whether it’s helping a family get a larger refund to pay off debt or assisting a business owner in navigating complex tax issues, is what fuels my passion year after year.

I also stay motivated by continuously challenging myself to grow and learn. The tax industry is always evolving, with new laws, regulations, and opportunities emerging each year. I thrive on staying ahead of the curve, not just for myself but so I can provide the best possible service to my clients. This commitment to lifelong learning, recently highlighted by earning my doctorate in Philosophy of Business and Accounting, keeps me engaged and excited about what’s to come.

Finally, my motivation comes from the people I work with. Whether it’s my clients, my team, or the larger community I’m a part of, being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are driven and focused on success creates an environment where motivation is contagious. Together, we push each other to be better, to achieve more, and to continue striving for excellence in everything we do.

This combination of making a tangible difference, continuous growth, and being part of a supportive community is what drives me to wake up every day excited to do what I do.

Who are some of your inspirational role models within the tax industry, and how have they influenced your approach to tax planning and advising?

Some of my most inspirational role models in the tax industry include Kelly Rainey, Quinton Gumbs, Garrett Cole, Dr. Shonda Love, and Weston Hill. Each of them has significantly influenced my approach to tax planning and advising.

Kelly Rainey’s meticulous attention to detail taught me the importance of thoroughness in tax planning. Quinton Gumbs inspires me with his innovative problem-solving and adaptability to industry changes. Garrett Cole’s ability to build strong client relationships has reinforced the value of trust and communication. Dr. Shonda Love’s leadership has encouraged me to mentor others and share my knowledge, while Weston Hill’s strategic thinking has shown me the power of forward-thinking in tax advising.

Together, they’ve shaped my approach to be client-focused, innovative, and committed to continuous improvement in the ever-evolving tax industry.

Can you discuss how the tax industry has evolved and changed over the past few decades, including any notable shifts or trends from 10 years ago and 20 years ago?

The tax industry has evolved significantly over the past few decades, marked by three key shifts:

1. Technology Integration: Twenty years ago, tax preparation was largely manual and paper-based. The introduction of e-filing and advanced tax software over the years has automated many processes, making tax preparation faster, more accurate, and more accessible. The recent rise of AI and cloud-based solutions further enhances efficiency and allows tax professionals to focus on strategic advisory services.

2. Regulatory and Compliance Changes: Over the past two decades, there have been increased oversight and significant tax law changes, such as the introduction of PTINs and major reforms like the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. These changes have increased the need for expert guidance and a deeper understanding of the evolving tax landscape.

3. Shift to Advisory Services: With the automation of routine tasks, tax professionals have transitioned from traditional preparation roles to offering more value through advisory services. Clients now seek personalized, year-round financial planning and strategy, beyond just compliance during tax season.

If our readers were looking to work with you as a tax professional, what characteristics or traits should they possess? 

If readers are looking to work with me as a tax professional, the key traits and characteristics they should possess are a willingness to learn, adaptability, and a commitment to financial success. I handle a diverse client base, ranging from self-employed individuals to low-income earners, high-wage earners, and everyone in between.

Whether you’re navigating the complexities of business taxes or seeking to maximize your refund, it’s important to have an open mind and a proactive approach. I work closely with my clients to ensure they understand the process and are equipped to make informed financial decisions. A collaborative spirit and a desire to grow financially are the ideal traits for those who want to get the most out of our partnership.

Where can our readers follow you on social media?

You can follow me on my page, “Dr Tiffany Thrasher”. I want others to see me for who I am and to welcome you into my personal life. My clients are like family to me, and I believe in building genuine connections. I look forward to sharing more of my journey with you!


Photo Credit: Courtesy of Tiffany Thrasher