
Dorlita Blakely is a multi-talented professional, serving as a minister, devoted wife, nurturing mother, caring daughter, supportive sister, cherished friend, and accomplished entrepreneur. Currently employed as a web developer at Indiana University, she successfully balances her 9-5 responsibilities while cultivating a burgeoning entrepreneurial portfolio consisting of four distinct ventures.


Within her entrepreneurial pursuits, Dorlita leverages her expertise to empower women, nurturing their self-assurance, encouragement, empowerment, inspiration, elegance, positivity, elevation, and ambition, enabling them to realize their dream lives.


Recognizing the transformative potential of her work, Dorlita is committed to sowing seeds of kindness, faith, hope, inspiration, and encouragement through affirmations. She understands that these seeds possess the capacity to profoundly impact people’s lives, whether for a fleeting moment, a day, an hour, or a lifetime.

Sheen had the opportunity to sit with this mogul in the making.


Please introduce yourself to the reading audience.

Dorlita: I AM a multi-gifted individual. A minister, wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. A woman who is breaking the glass ceiling barriers that no one ever told me was possible for me. I am currently a web developer for Indiana University. Though I still have a 9-5, I am also a rising entrepreneur with four businesses.

Why are you so adamant about bringing hope and inspiration to others?

Dorlita: I have walked through so many fires in my life that were meant to burn me and destroy me. But like the three Hebrew Boys, God was always in the fire with me. He brought me out and now I desire to reach back and pull others out.

What is the one code that you live by?

Dorlita: In parts of the words of Tony Montana (Scareface), all I have is my word. Honor it and above all honor God.


What is the one piece of advice you would give to the 21 year old you?

Dorlita: You are a priceless treasure and you are going to make it. Honor God and He will honor you. Live the life of your dreams and bring glory to His name.

How do you plan on finishing 2023 strong?

Dorlita: By becoming everything I didn’t think I could be and do the thing that scares me the most, walking in the will and purpose of God for my life, unapologetically.

How can people stay connected to you outside of this article?

Dorlita: All social medias @dorlitablakely



Follow Dorlita on these platforms for your daily affirmation


Photo Credits: Courtesy of Dorlita Blakely