
TRU Connoisseur Solutions is a TRU Beauty and Wellness mecca constructed by Alexis Flagler, more widely known as Laced by Lex. Over a decade ago, the coif connoisseur visualized becoming a Lace Wig Designer and Master Educator and in time, the TRU brand evolved into a premium and flawless manifestation. 

For the natural hair girlies and/or the wig and weave wearers, there are a plethora of solution based, curated collections that the TRU experience offers. Go Glueless lace options and TRU Match lace tints laid the foundation, and the TruRestoration Hair Growth and Maintenance System is what will restore, nourish, and stimulate more growth of the Tru Connoisseur essence. 

Rich in Lemongrass, the essential oil known for its hair growth properties, the TruRestoration Growth Boost Stimulating Shampoo coupled with the Growth Booster Moisturizing Conditioner are both powerful allies. With ingredients like the patented and plant based Procapil, the collections ingredients protect against various elements that cause hair weakness, such as thinning and damage from tension and chemicals. 

Growth is the theme of the TRU Growth Collection. Regular usage of the potent blend composed within the Tru Restoration Resurrect Growth Oil is a commitment that promises to work its magic, penetrating the scalp and fighting against irritants, while lengthening your hairs follicles. 

Allow your scalp to be soothed and cooled with the TruRestoration Stop Itch Oil-Free Growth Elixir Drops. The formula specializes in reducing inflammation and providing relief from itchiness especially beneath a protective style. Additionally, when the elixir is applied directly to thinning and balding areas of the scalp, it can and will rejuvenate hair growth.

TRU Beauty and Wellness is the affirmation and that is TRU Connoisseur Solutions unending vision. Begin your hair restoration process now by visiting 

Stay up to date with the latest in hair inspirations and usage tips by tapping in with them on social media at @TruMatchLaceConceal


Photo Credit: TRU Connoisseur Solutions