
Joseph Marwa, known to many as Josephs Quartzy, is carving out a distinct path in the literary world. Unlike many of his peers who often overlook the power of literature, Joseph embraces it wholeheartedly, navigating a landscape where multimedia storytelling is on the rise. In a world where people increasingly prefer videos and audio over reading, Joseph stands as a reminder of the value of the written word.The Changing Face of LiteratureHistorically, great writers like William Shakespeare began their careers in their youth, but Joseph has held the title of the youngest recognized author in East Africa for over seven years. As he nears his thirties, he’s still a youthful voice in a community of nearly 150 million.

This situation highlights a troubling trend: many young people today tend to leave literature behind in the classroom, raising concerns about the future of storytelling. In his poignant poem “Do You Read?” from his collection “Sweetest Song I Know,” Joseph reflects on the transformative power of reading:”Reading grants knowledge and imagination, It entertains and informs, Books teach and inspire dreams. I learned to write because I read— Do you read?”Embracing Technology with CautionThe rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has certainly changed the writing game, making it easier for authors to refine their work. Joseph has openly discussed using AI tools for editing and grammar checks. However, he often feels that these tools can strip away the depth and personality of writing. He passionately advocates for the importance of human touch in creative work, believing that genuine human experiences bring richness that AI simply can’t replicate.Engaging the Youth in LiteratureAs the years go by, many young people are led to believe that education isn’t essential for success. While there are exceptions, this mindset often discourages a love for writing. Today’s youth gravitate toward visuals and the convenience of AI-generated content, making it harder for them to appreciate traditional reading and writing. With the number of writers and readers dwindling, Josephs Quartzy is a refreshing reminder that passion for literature still exists.

A Personal JourneyJosephs Quartzy’s creative journey has been anything but ordinary. Growing up, he explored various artistic outlets, from singing in church choirs to rapping, building a substantial following online. Yet, despite his success in music, he found that writing filled him with a sense of purpose that no other medium could provide.Since starting his writing journey at just 18, Joseph has recognized the profound impact literature can have on society. He’s made it his mission to share this beauty with others, encouraging his friends to see the value in storytelling.

He has experimented with short stories, novellas, and even transformed his songs into poetry. Still, he understands that many in the younger generation don’t hold literature in the same esteem as previous generations did.ConclusionJosephs Quartzy’s passion for writing shines through in his impressive body of work, with over 15 books authored and nine published, including “Sweetest Song I Know” and “A Blessed Curse.” Beyond fiction, he writes about youth culture and African heritage, sharing his insights and experiences. Through his active presence on social media, particularly Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), he inspires others to engage with literature and rediscover its power.


Photo Credit: Courtesy of Josephs Quartzy