Celebrities all over social media are doing what they can during this diffcult time to spread positivity.
We’ve seen Rita Wilson showing off her rapping skills, Miley Cyrus on her daily live talk show, and artists like John Legend who have live streamed concerts right in the comfort of their homes! Something we’ve also seen is celebrities sharing their favorite methods of self-care.
Whether you’re trying to take more care of yourself during this time or trying to manage your stress from the coronavirus, know that one celeb has you covered. Halle Berry recently gave us insight into her beauty routine by documenting her facial regimen with her followers on Instagram.
Her six-minute IGTV video was a special video she considered a “quarantine edition” of her Fitness Friday series. She broke it down for all of us tuning in by four steps. Cleanse, exfoliate, mask, and of course moisturize.
In the video, there was one video we couldn’t help but notice. I won’t lie to you, the reason it stuck out to me was because of it’s retail price. Berry mentioned the Ole Henriksen Pore-Balance Facial Sauna Scrub, which retails for $28.
She described it as a pleasant and calming scent. If you’re (like me and) in quarantine, your skin may be feeling as dry as ever. Berry massages the scrub on her face and neck and states, “It consistently stays one of my favorites.”
Beauty is everything! Even during these difficult times. Do your part by being kind to yourself, your body, and remember to do your part.
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