Did you know that 1 in 2 women admit to having a poor self-image? Yes, according to a recent study by the Dove Self-Image Project, 78% of women over the age of 18 are “unhappy with their bodies.”
As a single mother of three, I could definitely relate to the negative feelings of self-loathing and depression. I was always in fight mode. I was fighting to make a better life for my three children, fighting to be recognized on my job for my unflinching dedication, fighting to keep my weight down and fighting for a simple good night’s sleep.
In public, I was a fierce leader with a strong “I will survive” mantra (thank you Gloria Gaynor). In private, I was empty, incomplete — my foundation was in ruins. I was constantly giving and serving, but unfortunately, I did not take time for basic self-care. In short, I was on the road to personal destruction. The weight from years of struggle left me a fragile, ticking time bomb, ready to implode over the tiniest infractions.
I threw myself into finishing my bucket list. Surely, checking every box would make me feel whole. Right? I decided to further my education; completing my college degree and other certifications, yet I still felt incomplete. I switched gears to focus on owning my dream house, but after the fanfare died down, again I was left with that gnawing feeling of emptiness.
Finally, I decided to wrangle in the one area I could not seem to get under control — my eating. Every time I experienced defeat, depression or rejection; my favorite foods were there to comfort me. Kicked around by love again — Oh well, I still had chocolate cake to keep me happy. This time I decided to take a step toward being a healthier me inside and out. I hired a personal trainer, and as I became consistent in my workout regimen, I got on track in other areas of my life. Now my business is thriving, my relationships with my kids are at an all-time high and I sleep well at night.
In the words of that old country song, I was, “looking for love in all the wrong places”, but now I learned to love myself. Every curve and goofy giggle is unapologetically me.
Once I found my place of peace, I understood what the Psalmist meant when he penned, “For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall.” Something had truly broken in me, and I felt a sense of freedom I never knew existed before. It was good to be me.
I am no longer waiting for a man to save me. I love the woman I worked so hard to become and finally feel complete in my own skin. No, I am still not a size two, and I do not want to be, because I love my womanly curves, my infectious smile and my deep mocha hue. I am unique and I am proud to say I love me.
This feature was submitted by Erica Lynn

Erica Lynn is fiercely committed to guiding women through sacred inner work and conscious outer work while releasing fears and negative energy that has been holding them back so they can start accomplishing their highest potential and walking into their greatest good.
With over 20 years of experience growing through a traumatic roller coaster of events, she began working with clients with similar worries and concerns and guiding them to achieve remarkable success, her mission and commitment is to walk women through becoming unstuck, elevate their mindset, increase self love and give them a map to success.
To learn and grow to your highest potential sign up for a free consultation, visit: www.ericalynnspeaks.com or call the office at (586) 307-4518 to book Erica Lynn to speak or present a webinar.
Featured Image provided by Erica Lynn
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