You’ve truly been a pioneer in creating opportunities for growth and leadership among women in nursing. What can you tell us about WIN Women In Nursing LLC and the first-ever Nurse-Focused Anthology Trilogy?
WIN Women In Nursing LLC was founded to empower women in nursing through leadership development, education, and entrepreneurial support. The first-ever Nurse-Focused Anthology Trilogy highlights the stories of nurse entrepreneurs, offering inspiration and practical insights for success in healthcare leadership and business. It’s a platform for sharing diverse experiences and promoting growth within the nursing profession.
What impact do you hope the book, “The Entrepreneur Anthology: W.I.N. Women In Nursing Volume II” will have on readers, particularly those aspiring to transition from nursing into entrepreneurship?
I hope The Entrepreneur Anthology: W.I.N. Women In Nursing Volume II inspires readers to see the limitless possibilities beyond traditional nursing roles. It provides practical insights, success stories, and actionable steps to help nurses confidently transition into entrepreneurship, empowering them to lead, innovate, and build successful businesses in healthcare.
What can you share with us about the co-authors and what were some particular themes that resonated deeply with you?
The co-authors of The Entrepreneur Anthology: W.I.N. Women In Nursing Volume II share powerful stories of resilience, transformation, and leadership. Each transitioned from nursing into entrepreneurship, offering insights on overcoming challenges and pursuing business success. What resonated most with me is their dedication to empowering others and their diverse approaches to integrating values, holistic health, and faith into their entrepreneurial journeys.
Co-Authors and Their Chapter Titles:
- Marsharae Cage, BSN, RN — From Bedside to Business
- Dr. Latonya Hodges, DNP, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC — I Come to WIN
- Dr. Kilana Livingston, PhD, DN, MHA, BHA, BCNP — The WIN in Alternative Health (The Naturopathic Way)
- Raquel McCorvey, APRN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC — The Holistic MedSpa Entrepreneur
- Lakesha Muhammad, LPN — Nursing to the Entrepreneurship Process Can Be Challenging but Tangible!
- Michelle Tinner, MHA/MBA, BSN, RN — Standing on My Faith
Each chapter offers invaluable lessons for aspiring nurse entrepreneurs, reinforcing the message that success is possible with determination, innovation, and support.
How can our readers access the book?
Readers can access The Entrepreneur Anthology: W.I.N. Women In Nursing Volume II by visiting our official website www.win-women-in-nursing.com or through major online retailers like Amazon, Lulu, and Barnes & Noble. Keep an eye out for special promotions and announcements for signed copies and exclusive offers.
What else would you like to share with our readers regarding your professional and upcoming endeavors?
I’m excited to share that I’m actively involved in expanding WIN Women In Nursing LLC, focusing on more educational programs and resources for aspiring nurse entrepreneurs. Additionally, I’m working on future volumes of the Nurse-Focused Anthology Trilogy, in areas such as entrepreneurship, leadership, and education aiming to further empower women in nursing. I’m also dedicated to my holistic health practice at WellNurse Wellness Clinic, where I continue to integrate innovative approaches to patient care. Thank you for your support as we pave the way for more opportunities in healthcare!
With founding and co-founding numerous health care initiatives, what does this legacy mean to you?
Founding and contributing to various healthcare initiatives is incredibly meaningful to me, as it represents my commitment to empowering others and driving positive change in the nursing profession. This legacy signifies not only the impact of my work on individual lives but also the broader movement toward holistic, patient-centered care and leadership development. I hope to inspire future generations of nurses to embrace their potential and continue innovating within healthcare, creating a lasting ripple effect in our communities. Additionally, this legacy will demonstrate to my children and their children that anything is possible with dedication and perseverance, encouraging them to pursue their own dreams in healthcare and beyond.
What would you like our viewers to gain from this interview? Also, what key message would you like to leave with the next generation of healthcare professionals, especially nurses who aspire to lead and innovate like you?
From this interview, I hope viewers gain insight into the transformative potential of nursing beyond traditional roles and the importance of entrepreneurship in healthcare. My key message to the next generation of healthcare professionals, especially nurses, is to embrace your unique strengths and experiences. Don’t be afraid to take risks, innovate, and pursue your passions. Your voice and vision are vital in shaping the future of healthcare, and by leading with purpose and compassion, you can create meaningful change in your communities and inspire others to follow in your footsteps.
How can we keep up to date with you online?
You can stay updated with my work by following me on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, where I share insights, updates on WIN Women In Nursing LLC, and my latest initiatives. Additionally, you can visit the official website for WIN Women In Nursing for news, resources, and upcoming events.
Facebook: DrShamika Livingston
Instagram: Authorshamikalivingston
LinkedIn: Dr. Shamika Livingston
Business Facebook: Grace Avail At Home LLC
Business Instagram: Grace Avail at Home LLC
Business Facebook: WIN Women In Nursing
Instagram: WIN Women In Nursing
Business Website: www.graceavailathome.com
Website: www.win-women-in-nursing.com
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Shamika Livingston
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