
Excuse me but my time is limited. My mother is a single parent who worked daily to provide for my siblings and I, who instilled in us the value of being independent women. I refuse to be average. I was created to be greater and bigger than the dreams written on the wall. I have yet to see all that has been created for me but I’m not stopping until my time has come to an end. I take of care of myself, pay my own bills, I have no children, I’m a business owner, and a teacher by nature. Before you shoot your shot, ask yourself:

Am I ready to lead?

Have I learned how to lead?

Am I willing to change what’s not acceptable by my partner?

What challenges have I had in previous relationships and did I change those ways?

Do I fear love?

Do I desire to cheat?

Am I willing to communicate?

How well do I handle disagreements?

Have I become a man?

I don’t know what it’s like to allow a partner to take care of me, because I was raised to take care of myself. I know what it’s supposed to be when a man can lead and how to submit knowing that he can and I don’t have to step in. A real man knows that a strong woman requires time and patience when letting him lead. So, don’t waste my time asking for my number and if you are not ready to be the lead.