Are you familiar with the term “boss babe”? It’s all about being a powerhouse – successful, confident, and influential in your industry. And Vonnetta Cornish? She’s making waves in her field, but what exactly makes her the epitome of a boss babe? Let’s delve into the world of boss babes, their impact, and how Vonnette embodies this empowering identity. Get ready to be inspired by a true force to be reckoned with!
What was it in you that wanted to get into the TV and film industry?
Vonnetta Cornish, a natural storyteller, thrives on human interaction and connection. For her, TV and film are magical mediums that allow her to reach mass audiences and unfold intricate stories in a big and longer format.
Who were some of your inspirations in the industry?
Vonnetta draws inspiration from an array of industry legends. Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing” solidified her desire to write for film. She also looks up to Oscar Micheaux and other pioneering Black filmmakers for their trailblazing efforts. Additionally, Vonnetta admires Maya Angelou and Vonnetta McGee, the latter of whom she was named after. Among contemporary figures, Will Packer stands out for his approachable demeanor and business acumen.
Your work has been on several popular streaming platforms. What did that preparation look like for you?
Preparing a movie for distribution starts long before production. Ensuring contracts are in place for cast and crew is vital, not just for legal reasons but also for meeting distributor requirements. Packaging the movie appealingly—with high-quality trailers, artwork, and still images—is crucial. Vonnetta’s existing relationship with Maverick Entertainment, which released her first feature film “Bachelorette’s Degree” in 2016, eased the distribution process for her 2023 release “The Exit Row.”
What have you learned over time in the industry that was a defining moment in your career?
Vonnetta has learned that while you can do your best, uncontrollable factors will arise. The key is to decide whether to let these challenges stop your progress, slow you down, or ignore them. She emphasizes resilience, having worked through personal losses without letting them derail her career. She also highlights the importance of balancing personal creative vision with market demands.
What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
Starting without significant industry connections, Vonette was motivated by her belief in her capabilities. Her background in filmmaking from her undergraduate studies gave her the confidence to push forward. Her journey is marked by continuous building and elevation, driven by the desire to bring her vision to the forefront.
Let’s discuss your most recent project, “The Exit Row.” Let our readers know a little bit about that and the concept.
“The Exit Row” is a drama/thriller centered around Sasha Dade, a wife, mother, and advertising executive. Her life intertwines with Clint Meyers, a charismatic yet dark real estate agent, after a chance encounter on a traumatic flight. The film explores Sasha’s resilience in dealing with uncontrollable events—a contrast to the control-focused character in Vonnetta’s previous film, “Bachelorette’s Degree.”
What do you want the audience to take from that film?
Vonnetta hopes the audience will take away a lesson in resilience, emphasizing that one can fight through uncontrollable situations and emerge victorious. From an entertainment perspective, she aims to provide a thrilling experience that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
What’s up next for you?
Vonnetta has exciting news: a sequel to “The Exit Row” is in the works. The goal is to take the movie into production in 2025.
Vonnetta Cornish’s journey in the TV and film industry is a testament to resilience, creativity, and the power of storytelling. Her work continues to captivate audiences, leaving them eager for what’s next.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Vonnetta Cornish