“What Do The Lonely Do?” at Christmas is a Christmas classic, initially recorded by the legendary R&B group The Emotions in 1973, and written by Carl Hampton and Homer Banks. This most recent presentation was produced by Eddie Spencer and Brekiscus ‘Hollywood’ Jacksonfor Quest Productions. The beautiful rendition is globally available now, via the Hause Records/Breaking Dawne Entertainment/EMPIRE label imprint.
‘While Christmas is a time of joy for most, for others, it’s a time of reflection, internal emotional struggle, and learning to be alone. And it’s ok to ask yourself a question: What do the lonely do? For each individual, the personalized answer to that specific question comes from within,’ mentions Mariah.
MARIAH. is gearing up to embark on her first-ever promotional tour. The “Hold On Me” promotional tour includes stops in Washington, DC, Atlanta, Chicago, Charlotte, Memphis and New York, just to name a few.
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