Carjanae is a singer/songwriter located in San Diego, she has an extensive catalog of music. EP’s, music videos and her newest release is a single titled “NIGHTS LIKE THIS.” She’s created, planned, and successfully had multiple concerts. She’s currently studying at UC San Diego College working towards obtaining her degree in music emphasis in vocal.
Carjanae has been singing her entire life and will continue to do so on a higher level to spread joy and love through her talent.

Can you tell us about your musical background and how you first got started in the music industry?

Carjanae: I have been singing my entire life, it is something that always came natural to me which I am very grateful to God for. I went to an arts high school where I was able to continue growing and finding my voice. Being in college now I am being trained in classical and jazz music, learning music theory, ear training, piano skills, how to read and compose music. I first got started in the music industry by declaring at a young age this is what I wanted to do. Ever since then I learned and worked for myself with the help of my wonderful parents and sister who has produced for many of my songs. I also decided when I first started, I want to be an independent artist throughout my career.

Who are some of your biggest musical influences?

Carjanae: Ella Fitzgerald, Selena Quintanilla, Whitney Houston, Beyoncé, Christina Aguilera

What has been the highlight of your music career so far? 

Carjanae: Winning awards, writing and putting out my own music plus music videos without a label. Singing for celebrities who inspire me, for example Ari Lennox. Radio interview with popular local station Jam’n 95.7. I also curated my own toy drive for the holidays and helped advertise small businesses during COVID.

How do you stay creative and motivated in such a competitive industry?

Carjanae: Having faith and belief that God put me on this earth to do great things. I know that a successful singing career is meant for me so I will keep working and having confidence in knowing that I will surely obtain it.

What advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are looking to pursue a career in music?

Carjanae: Get to know your craft, be open to learning new things and don’t be afraid to grow. On my path I was so focused on specific goals, but when I let go and trusted God’s path I learned and grew in ways I didn’t even know I could. A support system is very important, and you have to be your biggest fan. Never be afraid to sell yourself and let people know who you are!

Tell us about your new song. 

Carjanae: “NIGHTS LIKE THIS” is about living your best life and having confidence in yourself. Speaking positive affirmations over your life. Living life for you and remembering you are in control. Being a lover girl, I can get caught up in pleasing, but I wrote this song to remind myself I deserved to be pleased and put first.

What message or emotion do you hope listeners take away from this song?

Carjanae: I hope everyone who listens feels good, dances to the song and blasts it while getting ready to go out with friends. I also want people to feel empowered, confident and so much love for themselves.

How would you describe your sound and style of music to someone who has never heard your music before?

Carjanae: My sound is very open and diverse; I love to show off my range and have fun with it. I love to sing about love, being positive and just feeling good. I look for the beat to have a nice bass hit that gets you moving and lyrics you can never stop singing.

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Photo Credit: Courtesy of Carjanae