On Saturday June 25th, celebrity designer Angel Brinks hosted her annual BET fashion show. Showcasing her latest fashions, and celebrating her first major songwriting placement on Chris Brown’s “Breezy” album. The night was filled with fashion forward pieces and entertainment. PR and fashion director of zeus network, Winnie Stackz opened the show with lots of energy and personality, keeping the audience entertain.Famous faces that walk the show included Crystal Renay (Model and wife of Singer Ne-yo) , Janeisha John (Wife Of CEO of Zeus Network), RoccStar (Multi platinum producer and Tv personality), Stephanie Acevedo (TV Personality), and Jela (Tv personality, model and fashion designer).
Celebrity Attendees included La ‘Miya Good and her hubby Eric Bellinger, Natalie Nunn (TV Personality), LeLemuel Plummer (Founder & CEO – The Zeus Network),Ray Cunningham (TV Personality, Publicists and host), and many more. The Night ended on a high note and was a success. We salute Angel Brinks for giving us another lit show during BET weekend.
Love it
Love it queen 👑 keep shining, Killin it!!!
Omg this was definitely the show not to miss 💋🙌🏽 I attend every year and I must say they never disappoint. Good job Sade
Yass 👑 #winning
Best #betawards by far this weekend was littty🔥🔥🔥
💣 get it , get it , get it girl ! #sheen everywhere dope stuff
Nice congratulations on all your success wish you and Sheen much more 🙏🏽
Lit 🔥 great job covering this star studded event
Wow y’all up at Sheen 💣
Congratulations 🙌🏽
I was there this fashion show was bomb🔥🔥
Thanks for sharing beautiful article Sade🙌🏽 Bravo Sheen Magazine
Yay slay slay slay these celebrities always on beat
❣️ Congratulations 🙌🏽
😮 nice
🔥🔥🔥 great show!
Congratulations Proud of you ❣️
Litty Angel clothing is 💣 I worn my dress that night and got so many compliments I felt like a celebrity we all one in our own way though
This is awesome congratulations on all your success ✨
Wow congratulations