What was the inspiration behind starting your travel content creation?
Lisa: I was always going to places and not seeing other people of color. I decided I wanted to change that because many of these events were fun, but people of color just didn’t know about them. I figured if I shared my experience or notified people they exist, more people of all colors would attend. Also, I wanted to shed light on positive things to do in Baltimore when I began but then realized many other cities in Maryland were not being shown. This led me to go beyond Baltimore and do the entire state and branch off into other areas.
Do you believe in work-life balance? If so, how do you maintain it?
Lisa: I 100% believe that you should have a well-balanced life, and my motto is to make memories! The way I do this is by planning what I will do this weekend with the kids, having time with my husband, and catching a few hours or a day for myself. That’s the most important part so I can keep going for everyone else.
What’s your best piece of advice for aspiring and new entrepreneurs?
Lisa: Learn from someone else who has done it! The way I was able to gain quick success was by learning from some amazing social media gurus who had already accomplished what I wanted to do. I think so many people believe they will just figure it out, which they can, but if you want to fly, just train under someone else who you respect and understand.
What is your proudest business accomplishment?
Lisa: Going from 0- 100K followers in 10 months on Instagram. I didn’t even use Instagram much prior so learning the ins and outs was tough! Knowing that people like what I create enough to follow and engage is most important to me.
How can our readers remain connected with you?
Lisa: Connect with us online at:
Photo Credits: Photo Provided Lisa Summers
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