
Welcome to Capricorn Season—the initiator of the Winter Solstice and the coldest season of the year. Earthy Capricorns are the elders of the zodiac and are known for their ancient wisdom and modern omniscience. Capricorn is a feminine sign, governed by the authoritative, karmic planet of Saturn. The capricious Cardinal sign is symbolized by the land and sea goat, both of which they are efficient at navigating. Whether good or bad, Capricorns are capable of being the greatest of all time at it. How you push through self-limiting behavior during this hibernating season will lay the groundwork for the rest of the year. You may be timeless, but don’t waste time on your goals. 

Capricorn SZN contains the energy of One. 1/1 and 1/11 are numerological symbols of new beginnings, of course. 1/1 invites you to be on the lookout for opportunities that may pop out and show themselves. Choose wisely and make a commitment to seeing it/them through. 1/11 is raising your awareness towards your alignment and is conjuring you towards your manifestations.  

The Tenth House is Capricorns domain and within those halls is where your goal getting qualities, social status and reputation are housed. Your tenth house or midheaven placement, determines your challenges and accomplishments in the realm of success. 

Capricorns tarot major arcana is, The Devil Card, a card that is very misunderstood. It symbolizes strength, power and determination to reach the top, but also warns against obsession with and being enslaved to status and materials. Ground yourself and find a balance between desideration and satisfaction.

Vital Transits

New Moon in Capricorn on December 30th: Why so serious? This lunation is energizing you to be warmhearted, as coldness is strong during this season. Loosen up your controlling ways—those inflicted on others and yourself. Plot on how to advance on your ambitions. Boss up, don’t be bossy.

Full Moon in Cancer on January 13th: Reflect on your emotional intelligence and find a healthy way to release unwanted emotions. There are a wide range of them and no matter how emotionless you may think you are; you are not. Breathe deeply and show yourself, your tribe and your home some love. 

Venus transits Pisces (Jan 3rd – Feb 4th), which means romantic connections are going to feel deep and delicious. “Under” by Pleasure P accurately illustrates this energy. Venus is exalted in Pisces and merges Piscean emotional depth with Venusian love and affection. 

Mercury transits Capricorn (Jan 8th – Jan 28th), this transit and placement influences precision and clarity in both thought and communication. This is a divine time to get straight to the point, but also try to be less scrutinizing and pedantic. These people have, “Receipts, proof, timelines, screenshots!”—Heather Gay, RHOSLC. 

Jupiter in Gemini (25 May 2024 – 9 June 2025) Jupiter rules philosophy and fortune, while Gemini loves socializing and mischievousness. Curiosities on all things are running rampant, information harvesting is huge, and delightful distractions aren’t so bad. 

Pluto in Aquarius (19 Nov 2024 – 8 Mar 2043), a transit so massive, that all Pluto in Aquarius details are here.

Retrograde Season

Retrogrades (Rx) are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles and parts of their lives that need attention. 

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Sept 1st – Jan 30th) Uranus’ retrograde is unpredictably rebellious and Taurus loves her stability and secrets. The shakeup may leave you shooketh, but if people stopped resisting change, they would learn to enjoy the shift. 

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini (Oct 9th – Feb 4th) Critique the information you’ve collected, analyze the intricacies of your thoughts and if the webs weaved are serving a purpose or hindering decisiveness. Sharpen your focus because benefic Jupiter in swift Gemini could positively shift your fortune. 

Mars Retrograde in Leo begins on December 6th and shifts back into Cancer on January 6th till February 24th.  Try not to get into unnecessary quarrels and don’t let the passion take you under. Setbacks during this retrograde can cause you to have to reset your entire life. Energy levels could run low, find healthy ways to reenergize. Postpone taking immediate action and organize decisive plans to effectively execute.

Tap in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, Author of The Savagery of Astrology 

Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine.

Photo Credits: Nhayah Goode