
We have entered Scorpio SZN! Astrologically, this Pluto ruled transit is one of the darkest and transformative times of the year. Scorpios are known for their profound passion and powerful prowess. Emotional intelligence elevates the effectiveness of the Scorpion skillset. Innerstand that the reason for termination is to transmute. Energy is eternal—would you rather it flow or be fixed? Choose wisely.  

The 11/11 Portal lies within Scorpio SZN, bridging death and rebirth via Pluto and angelic protection with the transcendental awakening vibration of the number 11. On 11/11, set intentions with those concepts in mind.

Within the walls of The Eighth House of Sex, Death, and Taxes is the lair of the Scorpio—where intuitive energy is high, moving in stealth is vital and intimacy with self and others is encouraged. Get into the dark side of things—what kind of currency and legacy do you want to leave behind? 

In Tarot, the major arcana card for Scorpio is the Death Card. The message here, is the realization that emancipation is an essential part of life, and to find strength in knowing that renewal is inevitable. 

Moon Guidance 

New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st invites you to get dusky, however find something safe to do, lest you end up in the underworld. This is one of the most intense new moon transits and in the words of the Harlem rapper, Mase, you must, “Breathe, stretch, shake, and let it go.”  

Full Moon on November 15th in Taurus this may be difficult during the holidays, but muster some strength and release overindulgent eating habits, but also eat well. Replace any private jealousies with public admiration. Relax, settle down, and manifest millions. 

Vital Transits

Venus entered Sagittarius on October 17th this transit influences the collective to trust that love is limitless, love is an escapade, and love can be discovered in unfamiliar places. Venus shifts to Capricorn on 11/11 and in matters of love, this is a reticent cycle, and privacy is preferred until the person feels safe. Over time, it is the best of times.

Mercury transits Sagittarius from Nov 2nd until Jan 8th, 2025, due to the Mercury retrograde during Sagittarius season. Accelerated activity will be at an all-time high. Opening books and reading a little will be beneficial. This transit encourages studying languages and is a good time to scour personal communication skills as well. Go above and beyond in areas of intellect and information. 

Mars is in Cancer through November 4th—you’ve been fearlessly expressing yourself and using discernment with what to share. Mars shifts into Leo and is at home and happy in a fire sign and is orgasmic about displaying strength. Demonstrative romantic gestures and drama will be on fire at this time. 

Pluto exits Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Nov 19th, 2024, until Mar 8th, 2043, and there’s no coincidence that the completion of this 17-year transit is ending in Scorpio SZN for the planets last visit in Capricorn for about 200 years. Now, it’s Aquarius’ and all fixed signs turn (Leos, Taurus’, Scorpio’s) to feel the wrath of this dynamic Pluto transit. All Pluto in Aquarius details are here. 

Jupiter in Gemini (25 May 2024 – 9 June 2025) Jupiter rules philosophy and fortune, while Gemini loves socializing and mischievousness. Curiosities on all things are running rampant, information harvesting is huge, and delightful distractions aren’t so bad. 

Retrograde Season

Retrogrades are celestial events that force the collective to revisit and renovate cycles and parts of their lives that need attention. 

Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (June 29th – Nov 15th) during this retrograde and transit, you’re being forced to look into your reflection and introspect. Take accountability for critical past errors and heal. 

Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (July 2nd – Dec 7th), This retrograde is tricky, because it causes massive clarity and confusion. Seeing things for what they really are is the cause of the uncertainty. This reality check is a gut punch. 

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus (Sept 1st – Jan 30th) Uranus’ retrograde is unpredictably rebellious and Taurus loves her stability and secrets. The shakeup may leave you shooketh, but if people stopped resisting change, they would learn to enjoy the shift. 

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini (Oct 9th – Feb 4th) Critique the information you’ve collected, analyze the intricacies of your thoughts and if the webs weaved are serving a purpose or hindering decisiveness. Sharpen your focus because benefic Jupiter in swift Gemini could positively shift your fortune. 


Tap in with Astrologer @NhayahsGoode, Author of The Savagery of Astrology 

Sheen Horoscopes are available in Sheen Magazine 


Photo Credit: Nhayah Goode