Jonathan Rose, co-founder and CEO of Genesis Gold Group, has developed the “Prepper Bar” in gold and silver. Made in the U.S. and IRA-eligible, these sleek wallet-sized cards operate like a Hershey’s bar: they’re composed of segments that you can easily break off into smaller pieces and use for emergency transactions.
As a borderless currency and form of portable wealth, Prepper Bars is perfect as a stylish gift this holiday season for all luxury travelers, as well as for investors, collectors, or people who want to be prepared in case of an emergency, like a blackout. More about the product details: Supplied by Sunshine Minting, the card is crafted from .999 AG pure silver or .9999 AG pure gold, these bars can be broken into 1.555, 3.110, and 7.776 gram pieces. This product is the only bar on the market divisible into three sizes.

Being the CEO and co-founder, with the news of BRICS and the USD currency, was it more challenging to quickly stay ahead and create the right products to remain ahead of the curve?

Rose: At Genesis Gold Group, we’ve always been keenly aware of the shifts in global economic forces, including discussions around BRICS and the USD. These developments only emphasized the need to innovate and provide our customers with more secure, tangible assets. Our “Prepper Bar” was a direct response to this need—customers were increasingly looking for ways to protect their wealth in a time of economic uncertainty, and creating a portable, divisible gold and silver bar was our solution to keep them ahead of the curve.

Please tell us more about the “Prepper Bar” product detail and what motivated the company to create it.

Rose: The “Prepper Bar” was born from the feedback we received while helping clients roll over their IRAs and 401Ks. Customers repeatedly asked how they could use gold as money in practical terms —there was a clear demand for a product that was divisible, portable, tradable, and had crisis functionality. That’s when the idea for the Prepper Bar clicked. It’s designed to fit in a wallet, making it much more accessible and useful for everyday transactions or bartering than traditional gold or silver bars.

How and where is “Prepper Bar” used?

Rose: The Prepper Bar is perfect for situations where liquidity and tradability are key. It’s commonly used by preppers and homesteaders in barter exchanges during emergencies, but it also appeals to anyone who values portable wealth that can be traded in smaller transactions. Its fractional design allows you to use only what’s needed for each transaction, which makes it practical in emergency situations or when digital or fiat currencies aren’t available. Plus, it’s a stylish, collectible item that’s highly functional.

Can you tell us about “Prepper” culture?

Rose: Prepper culture is all about being prepared for any crisis, whether it’s economic collapse, natural disasters, or societal disruptions. The culture has evolved significantly, especially after COVID-19, with a growing emphasis on financial preparedness alongside basic survival needs. Precious metals like gold and silver play a crucial role in this mindset, offering a stable, tangible asset that can be traded or bartered in emergencies.

As we know many banks have unfortunately had issues where customers were not able to pull money for whatever reason. Does the “Prepper Bar” provide extra security for consumers?

Rose: Absolutely. The Prepper Bar offers an added layer of security by giving consumers a physical, tangible asset that’s not tied to the banking system. In times when banks might restrict access to cash, say during a blackout, having a divisible gold or silver bar allows individuals to maintain their purchasing power and trade or barter, protecting their wealth outside of traditional financial systems.

Is it a difficult process to begin purchasing and using the “Prepper Bar”?

Rose: Not at all. We’ve made the process straightforward. You can easily purchase the Prepper Bar through the website (Prepper Bar – Prepper Bar | Wealth in Your Wallet | Buy Physical Gold & Silver). The bar is designed for simplicity—once you have it, you can break off divisible pieces as needed, making it ready for transactions or bartering right away. Its portability and ease of use make it perfect, even for those who are new to precious metals.

How can people remain connected?

Rose: People can stay connected with us through our website and by joining our mailing list, where we share insights on market trends, new products, and advice on precious metals. Customers can always call to engage with us and stay informed about the latest developments in prepping precious metals, and financial security.


Photo Credit: Courtesy of Jonathan Rose