
Black artists’ contributions to the music industry have been going on for centuries. Between being innovators, the blueprint, and inspiration for fans and aspiring musicians worldwide, we need more than a month to truly show appreciation for their talents. They took us on a trip through their lives utilizing lyrics and soulful sounds and made us want to turn up or bawl our eyes out. Here are two ways you can celebrate black music appreciation month.

Purchase or stream your favorite Black artist’s catalog

One of the best ways to show how much you value black music is to help pay their bills! Streams equal money, and of course, purchasing records do too. Click on your favorite music streaming service, search for your top black artist, and stream, stream, stream. You can purchase singles or their albums on iTunes. If you like the old-fashioned physical copies, go to Target, Walmart, or wherever they sell them to buy.

Promote their new music

Many Black artists value their craft, and they produce music with all their hearts for their fans. Sometimes, labels don’t do a good job promoting, and singles or projects fall off the charts. If you see your favorite black artist has a new single or project out or coming up, help them promote it, and your help will keep their name and work trending.

Of course, you can do all these things year-round, too. Black artists and their music are vital today and forever.