
The players have to wear masks every time they go out and can’t socialize outside of playing basketball without it. Some players are saying that they don’t agree with that because they should be able to socialize with their families without restriction. Players like Kyrie Irving and LeBron James have been very vocal about having to wear masks around their families, and with the NBA all stars game coming up in Atlanta, their voices are raised even higher. Kyrie has already been fined $50,000 for violating the league’s health and safety protocols after attending an indoor pool party.

It will be interesting to see how things develop for LeBron James who has stated that having the All Star Game is a “slap in the face of the players.” While he did state that he would show up if the game moved forward, is it a far cry to suggest that the notoriously rebellious LeBron may have a last minute change of heart and sit it out in protest to the timing of the game and the league’s strict policies. The NBA All Stars game was originally scheduled for mid February, the game was moved back to March 7th, effectively cutting off the break the players normally have during that time. Their break this year was supposed to begin on March 5th, but with the All Stars game scheduled for the 7th, and the second half of the season scheduled to begin on 11th, players have no down time to recoup. Kings point guard De’Aaron Fox shared James’ sentiments sharing that while he would show up, he didn’t agree with having the game period because of COVID.



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