What would motivate an almost 80–year–old woman (hitting the milestone Christmas Eve 2024) to write a book about the Best Sex Ever After Menopause?
At a time in the Zeitgeist stressing, the urgency for women to stand up, unite and take their power back, Carol Remz isn’t pulling any punches – it’s because menopause hit her early (mid-40s), causing a loss of libido and vaginal dryness over the next ten years. And her being married to a seven years younger husband who wouldn’t accept her declaration that sex wasn’t supposed to matter after menopause.
When she had reclaimed her sexuality, her husband said, “Write a book. Tell your story about how you healed and changed.” Before she could raise any objections, he added, “Get help.”That came from medical and health writer and intimacy coach, Molly Carter.
With the decision to write a book, Carol realized she was launching an “encore career.” Marc Freedman, author and social entrepreneur, popularized the concept. It means continuing to work in a new way in the second half of one’s life. Financial reasons can be an incentive. Carol chose applying her acquired skills and experience for positive social impact. What are they? Ten years as a teacher after receiving her BS in 1966 and MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching in 1967 from Cornell University. And for 35 years after receiving her PhD in Educational Technology from Catholic University, forming her own business that led her clients’ employees from Fortune 500 companies, federal and state agencies, private business, and non-profits to develop instructor-facilitated, video-based, and online training programs. From sales teams to health care providers, learning’s key goal was change for the better in what people do, achieve, and feel. It is the same goal for Best Sex Ever After Menopause: Through Mindset and Healing and Aphrodisiac Plants.
Carol considers her book sex ed for seniors. She gives readers validated research and applicable knowledge and skills. They’re structured into three parts: the brain being our most important sex organ, its role in our sexuality and health, and mind over matter; remedies for vaginal dryness and arousal, bothpharmaceutical and natural, and Molly’s expertise in body know-how and its application “in the flesh.”
Best Sex Ever After Menopause is about a whole new paradigmof senior sexual pleasure: like fine wine, definitely better with age!

Carol Remz photographed by Glen Davis/Legendary Portraits
Photo Credit: Glen Davis
Love it. It’s about time. We’re running out of years.